Application status on mybama

I applied for the summer '16 semester a few weeks ago and have been anxiously awaiting an admission decision. I have been logging into mybama everyday to check my application status and today I am getting messages that my access is denied. I contacted IT and they were unhelpful. What does this mean? Do applications expire? Have they made a decision and simply not updated mybama yet?

What did IT say?

MyBama was offline today.

It is back online now.

On Monday, I would call admissions directly.

I am able to check my application status again, but the director review seems to be taking a long time. How long does this process usually take? I got everything in by the March 1st deadline and may just be really impatient, but I did not expect there to be a lot of applicants for the summer semester.

My status still has not changed at all. Does anyone know when I can expect the director review to be completed?

Call admissions. Have your CWID number ready.

Called today and they let me know I was accepted as of an hour ago!

Thanks for the advise everyone, ROLL TIDE!

Grats @xxDZxx !