Application Status

<p>My application has been processed, they have received my payment, ACT scores, transcript, and scholarship app. Is this all that I need? I thought that it would say “application complete” but it doesn’t. I might be overthinking it.</p>

<p>As far as I can remember, that is all you need. They don’t really start looking at the applications until August, so that may cause some delay in your application status being updated. I saw your stats on the other thread and you definitely have nothing to worry about. I know how hard the waiting game is from last year and it can really cause you to overthink things. Give it a couple weeks and if nothing changes, contact admissions to make sure everything went through okay.</p>

<p>@lilelmo thank you! On the application, I had to put down my guidance counselor’s information. I emailed her with a heads up that something might come through. Do they email them for a rec? If they do, she’s going to take a very long time to get it in.</p>

<p>Also, I was told that automatic scholarships once admitted does not mean that you are automatically admitted due to stats…I’m not worried, necessarily, but anxious. My parents don’t know that I could get that much in merit money and I am dying to tell them, but don’t want to say anything until the letters come in.</p>

<p>I don’t think the guidance counselor had to do a rec. With your stats, you’ll be just fine. I would expect the letters early to mid- August. I think I got my online acceptance about a week after I submitted the app and my paper acceptance along with my scholarship about two weeks later. It feels like a much longer wait than it really is- hang in there!</p>

<p>@lilelmo thank you so much! I’m very excited.</p>