<p>I submitted my application two weeks ago, and I haven't gotten any reply back.
Is there someway I can check online to make sure that they received all the info?</p>
<p>Anyone? Actually, is anyone on the CW forum at all? Cause it seems kinda empty</p>
<p>There are a few of us roaming around, don’t worry. I just don’t really know the answer to your question. Could you just call and ask them to make sure your file is complete?</p>
<p>Whew, I finally got through to the office. Apparently they’ve been having internet trouble, so the confirmation notification was lost or something.</p>
<p>is there some way to check your app status online, or do you have to call their office?</p>
<p>A few weeks after you submit your application you should receive a letter in the mail giving you your log-in info, and from there you should be able to check your application status online.</p>
<p>I know I got mine maybe 2-3 weeks after…</p>
<p>i submitted my app beginning of november and i don’t remember getting any access information. i should probably get on that…</p>
<p>They said they should be sending the letter, but I still haven’t gotten it. I called to make sure that they got all the forms, so if you aren’t sure whether they received everything, you should call. The lady was really nice about the whole thing too</p>
<p>don’t worry, you guys will get in. as long as yu have like sat scores of above 2000 and like maybe top ten percent of class, you’ll get in</p>
<p>I too haven’t received mine, I applied on December 1st, maybe I should wait a little more or should I call them?</p>
<p>I’d wait a little bit longer…maybe at least one more week</p>
<p>Thanks for the answer, will wait a bit. Hopefully they will be available around December 22 or so, if not Ill just wait until after New Years.</p>
<p>Just a side note for anyone here; this might answer a few of your questions.</p>
<p>I submitted my app on commonapp on 11/09.
According to commonapp, it was not downloaded by CWRU until 11/27. I received an email maybe three days ago saying, hey when you DO receive your letter in the mail, here is the place you put your login info online to check your app status.</p>
<p>I guess my point is that if it took them 18 days before downloading mine, (27-9), they’re probably pretty backlogged. </p>
<p>Not to mention, with Early decisions being released around now for every school ever, I’m sure their priorities have been on ensuring the accuracy and brevity of the Early decisions that they released. In other words, if it takes a bit, wait a bit more. We have plenty of time to resubmit anything if need be for RD.</p>
<p>Moral: Don’t stress. (Yet.)</p>
I also submitted Dec. 1st or thereabouts, and even though the website said to check status online using information sent in the mail, I still haven’t gotten anything. </p>
<p>I can’t believe they’re so back-logged…</p>
<p>i submitted my app on 11/27 and just got the online status info this week…they took about 3 weeks for me to get that info…</p>
<p>My son’s application was downloaded on 11/21. We received mail with login information on 12/18. When he checked app status, they show everything as received.</p>