Application Status

<p>I've been checking my application status & there is still no check mark next to my teacher recommendation. My teacher sent it out on the 17th of November.</p>

<p>I emailed them on Dec. 5th & they said they're still matching up documents & it might take up to 3 weeks.</p>

<p>Does anyone else still have items that they don't have a check mark next to?</p>

<p>Should I email them again?</p>

<p>Yeah, many other people are having that problem… don’t worry, it’s just a glitch with their site.</p>

<p>I’ll post my response to the other thread:</p>

<p>Just called:</p>

<p>Apparently recommendations are the last things they put in and it’s 100% normal for us to not have them checked off (especially if we’ve sent them within the past month). He said they’re about 3 weeks behind in processing materials and that we should check on January 5th.</p>

<p>same thing happened to me, and recently they were checked off. Just give it time</p>

<p>Ugh, my teacher rec is STILL not checked off.
Hopefully, I’m not the only one still?</p>

<p>My teacher rec was never checked off when I applied and he submitted it twice. I was still admitted in their early response thing.</p>

<p>DS’s was check off about 3 days before ED came out and he too was accepted for early + Scholars.</p>

<p>Don’t worry</p>

<p>I’m not checked off either, no worries.</p>

<p>Mine were sent in Early November, and they weren’t checked off until before Thanksgiving.</p>

<p>For me, my issue was the transcript. They were sent in October, weren’t checked off until a week after my application was submitted in December.</p>

<p>yeah im kinda freaking out too. it’s kinda nerve wrecking
one of my teacher rec was sent out in mid november and the status say they still don’t have it. my other teacher post marked on dec 1st. kinda weird because umcp checked off my transcript and counselor rec like 10 days after i turn my stuff in to my counselor</p>

<p>This should make you feel better:</p>

<p>My teacher rec, counselor rec, and transcript all have yet to be checked off.</p>

<p>So at least you’re only dealing with one thing missing. :)</p>

<p>I checked this morning, and it was <em>finally</em> checked. It’s been missing since I applied in November.
They actually checked two, because I panicked and had two teachers send.</p>


Same!! I submitted Nov 15 and they were checked off today.
Except… they have FOUR teacher recs recorded! (Like you, I panicked and had them resend :P)</p>

<p>so is there any way of checking if we made early response or whatever its called or if we’re regular?</p>

<p>If you submitted part II by December 1st, you’re going to get your admissions decision by Feb 15.
If you submitted part II after December 1st but on or before Jan 20th, you’ll get your decision by April 1.
If you submit part II after Jan 20th, you’ve missed the deadline. =)</p>

<p>Why did i read March 1st somewhere instead of Feb 15?</p>

<p>I know ly it was at least mid Feb. </p>

<p>I would suggest if you unsure whether you are ED or RD call admissions and ask which decision you are going to be in.</p>

<p>Haha! My teacher rec showed up today! Still missing: counselor and transcript :(</p>

<p>My D’s teacher recommendation reflected as being received today. Check marks by all finally.</p>

<p>Yes, finally checked off!
Omg, I submitted my Part II on November 18th!
I have to wait until Feb 15?
That’s forever!</p>