
<p>on the common app, there is a really small space for EC's. like, you can list i think 5? im not sure, i didn't count, but the point is, what if you have more stuff you want to put down? should i attatch an extra sheet with all my EC's/volunteer stuff? and also, i've done a bunch of random volunteer activities (not one consistent thing) so should i just put around how many hours, or should i list each specific event? also, i took a spanish course at amherst college one there somewhere to put that on the application? oh, and under the short answer thing about a meaningful activity, would it be better to type that out, or just handwrite it...and is it recommended to mail in the app or submit it online. i know this is has just been a jumble of questions, but any advice you have would be VERY much appreciated. thanks!</p>

<p>Random volunteer hours aren't something you should highlight. Add them together, summarize as 'volunteering', and leave it at that.</p>

<p>As far as the rest, yes you couild attach an activity sheet if you want, but make sure it doesn't just repeat what was on the common app.</p>

<p>does anyone else have any advice!? por favor!</p>

<p>If there was some common string between the activities, like location (all in your home town) or type, you could group them together that way. If so, you could classify them together with the number of hours spent under something like "city/community enrichment program" or something less vague. I, like ReninDetroit, wouldn't recommend that you list them all individually if it was a series of short-term or one time affairs. If there's no common string at all, just put it under volunteering.
If I recall correctly, there is a space on the common app. (or in many school supplements) where they ask you to detail what you've been doing with summers in high school. That's where you'd list your Spanish program at Amherst.</p>

<p>The short answer section about a meaningful activity might as well be typed out. There wouldn't necessarily be a perceived that you love it or have more dedication because you handwrote it. Just write it out in your word processor, a paragraph or two, and put it in the box on the common app.</p>

<p>Most colleges recommend that you submit your application online. Some still offer to waive the application fee if you do so, actually, to encourage it. There is a certain risk with submitting it online that it will be lost in transmission. Similarly with a paper app. getting lost in the mail. I would personally recommend submitting it online because I found it easier, and you usually receive an email quickly confirming that the college has received your app., rather than waiting for several days.<br>
No matter what you do, though, MAKE COPIES OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND. Things occasionally get lost in both mediums, so if you use the common app. online, save the .pdf file they show you of what your application will look like. Photocopy a paper application. It could save you a lot of grief.</p>