Applications are done! What are my chances? [NY resident, 3.9 UW, top 5%, Psychology]

Hi! Thanks in advance for giving me some feedback :slight_smile:

I am a US citizen from upstate New York and attend a public high school where I am in the top 5% of my class of 325 students. My ethnicity is white and Native American.

I have taken 8 APs out of 14 offered, 4 dual enrollment, and 10 honors. My unweighted average is a 3.9 and my weighted average is a 4.4. I applied test optional to all except Auburn and UT.

I have made high honor roll (over a 90.5% unweighted average) every quarter of high school, and principal’s list (top 5% of class based on unweighted average) 2-3 times each year. I am a member of the National Honor Society and previously played volleyball, basketball, and softball for my school’s teams. I currently play on a nationally ranked travel volleyball club team, and for a travel softball team of which I have been team captain for the 5 seasons. I volunteered 25 hours during both Freshman and Sophomore years, 35 hours last year, and will have over 50 hours this year.

I have submitted EA applications as a Psychology major to the following schools:

App State Furman UNC Wilmington
Auburn Nova Southeastern University of Tennessee
Baylor Stetson
Belmont TCU
Clemson University of Miami

I received acceptances from Florida Institute of Technology with a $21,000 merit award, and Wingate University with a $31,500 merit award.

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Are you applying anywhere else? You should be shooting much higher.

I am also going to apply to University of Florida. I was thinking about applying to Emory as well. I originally had Vanderbilt on my list but wasn’t sure if it was a realistic option. I don’t want to be anywhere in the northeast, and outside of Texas I also don’t want to be off of the east coast or at least the southeastern side of the US.
I eventually want to be a forensic psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist so I have a lot of years of school ahead of me!

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I predict many acceptances from your list!!

Miami and Nova could say no, but I think they won’t.

If you would be happy to attend any of these schools, I see no reason to apply anywhere else. Just because a school has more selective admissions doesn’t mean it would be a better fit for you.

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Congrats on both Wingate and Florida Tech (they have great dining).

Do you not have a test??

Any budget issues - that will be your hold up if you do.

I suspect acceptances into all although Miami and Clemson will be the two most difficult.

Good luck.

I think that would be worth your time, if you like to try two or three “reach” schools.
Far from guaranteed, but I think one of the colleges you can at least aim for.

In particular, if you end up sticking to this original plan.


Are you female, and if so are you being recruited for volleyball? (Any athletic scholarship possibilities?)

Also, what if any financial restrictions would you have? Are you needing merit scholarships to fund your education, for example?

One thing to consider is that if you expect to go to graduate school, then it might behoove you to save money on your undergraduate education so that you can spend it on your graduate education – which will be more important for your ultimate career options.

Also, have you had the opportunity to visit any of these campuses in person? If so, that might help focus matters.

Yes, I’m female. I have been recruited for volleyball for some schools but they really aren’t what I’m looking for. I don’t want to play DI it is too much of a time commitment. I am going to contact the Florida Tech coach as they are DII, but I’m not sure if there really is much money for sports recruitment there.
I do need merit scholarships because I don’t want to have huge loans for undergraduate and then still have additional schooling to pay for. Getting total cost down to $25,000-$35,000 per year is ideal with what my family can pay. My high school also awards some pretty large scholarships that I will apply for as well.
I have 6 college credits in Spanish, 3 credits in Intro to Psych, and 4 credits in Statistics/Probability that will all transfer in. Depending on the school, I will also have up to 6 AP credits as well. I’m hopeful that I will be able to complete my four years in three to help save some money.


Smart call on not doing D-1 athletics; I know several kids who are participating in D-1 sports, and they tell me that it is basically a full-time job in addition to the academics.

I will send you a PM.


My mom and I did a whole campus tour trip in late June. We flew down to Florida and saw University of Miami, Nova Southeastern, Florida Tech, University of Florida, Auburn, Emory, Furman, Clemson, and University of Tennessee. I’ve also toured UNC Wilmington in the spring. I would honestly be happy at any of them and have a hard time putting them in any ranking order.
I should add that we did a self tour of UFC and Georgia Tech but they weren’t for me. I’ve also previously toured College of Charleston but really want a separate campus that isn’t part of the city. I’ve also toured Washington & Lee but felt it was too small since I have more people in my high school then the entire campus.
I’m planning on visiting App State this fall. I’m also waiting for (hopefully) acceptances to check out Baylor and TCU since that isn’t just a quick couple hour flight.


You sound very qualified and I think you’ll do great with these schools. For your long-term plans, you probably may know this already but Clinical Psych PhD programs are very competitive (most accept <5% of applicants) so if that is a priority, you’ll need psych research experience along with great grades. U Florida is well-known for Clinical Psych, and U Miami is also good, offering lab placements, summer research fellowships so both could be great options since letters from researchers are critical. Btw most Clinical Psych PhD programs pay for your grad degree with stipends, TAships, and tuition remission.


you might consider UGA - you sound qualified. Same with NC State, U of Maryland, V-tech, even William and Mary. U-Wisconsin another good option if you don’t mind the midwest-

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Just an update :grinning:

Auburn- rejected
Baylor- accepted
Belmont- accepted, $10,000 merit
Florida Tech- accepted, $21,000 merit
Nova Southeastern- accepted, $20,000 merit, invitation to interview for Presidential full tuition scholarship, and an interview for the dual enrollment into the clinical psychology doctoral program where they reserve your seat while you finish undergrad
Randolph-Macon- accepted, $29,000 merit, invitation to interview for full tuition scholarship
Stetson- accepted, $33,000 merit
Wingate- accepted, $30,500

Still waiting for:

App State
University of Miami
University of Florida
UNC Wilmington
University of Tampa
University of Tennessee


Congratulations on the acceptances! It’s always nice to know that you’re wanted – and with money!

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