<p>Can a student apply to multiple colleges within UT and then decided which one they want to go to? For example, Liberal Arts and Business School?</p>
<p>No. UT considers you for your 1st choice major, then your 2nd, and then undergraduate studies. If you get accepted to your 1st choice, you aren’t considered for your 2nd or US.</p>
<p>Isn’t that different than it used to be years ago? It seems like it would be hard for a 17- or 18-year-old to decide on a major. When I was at UT in the early 80s, I think most of my friends changed theirs at least once (from engineering to nursing, for example). If a student changes his/her mind, is it hard to switch from school to another?</p>
<p>How difficult it is to transfer between colleges depends on which college you are trying to transfer into. Business is rather hard (need a 3.6 GPA minimum), engineering is also difficult (especially biomedical). Other colleges are pretty much open, such as liberal arts.</p>
<p>What about transferring from Cockrell School of Engineering to the College of Natural Sciences? Also, does anyone know the email of the admissions department so that I can e-mail them about switching my major? I want to switch it to either math with the actuarial option or pre-pharmacy/chemistry. How would I go about doing this? Should I fax them a request that I want to switch my major or e-mail them first?</p>
<p>When I switched into NS, I walked into the advising center in WCH and filled out a one page form. I was in and out within 5 minutes with no appointment. Just stop by and do that sometime when you are in the area.</p>
<p>i called the office the other day to ask about switching my major and the lady told me to just do it at orientation. she said to let your advisor know that you want to switch to a different school</p>
<p>How do I let my advisor know? I don’t even know who my advisor is lol. Can someone post the site where it has the advisor information for freshman and their e-mail addresses?</p>
<p>when you get to orientation i’m sure they’ll let you know who your advisor is</p>
<p>The College of Natural Sciences and the College of Liberal Arts are ‘open’ colleges, meaning that if you’re accepted to the university, you can enter either of those colleges. That said, it’s easier to switch from any non-open college to an open college.</p>