<p>How did you list your ECs? Like what kind of description do you put next to it? How many year? Hours? What you did? </p>
<p>Could anyone copy/paste a sample of their application so I could get an idea of what this looks like......please :)</p>
<p>How did you list your ECs? Like what kind of description do you put next to it? How many year? Hours? What you did? </p>
<p>Could anyone copy/paste a sample of their application so I could get an idea of what this looks like......please :)</p>
<p>I want to know the answer too. And for the section that says "position taken/awards received".... what happens if we didnt receive any awards nor did we hold any positions... do we simply leave it blank?</p>
<p>come on people.........</p>
<p>I have one more question...Does everyone on CC record their hours for volunteer/clubs/work experience? What if I was in science club frosh and soph year but have no recorded hours? Is it just volunteer work taht you write down or is it also school clubs? Pleaseeeeeeeeee respond!</p>
<p>Also, how do the colleges verify that the number of community service you do is legit?</p>
<p>I saw some of the applications for Yale and MIT. Basically they tell you to list about 6 extracurriculars, the hours/week and weeks/year, and any awards/positions in each of them. The volunteering probably just works on a kind of honor system. Since they only allow you a certain # of activities and only a small space to write your awards, does anyone know if they allow you to attach extra info on separate piece of paper or anything?</p>
<p>if they have an additional info section, use that space to expand the list, but be sure to list it in teh EXACT format, although you can elaborate on certain activities.</p>
<p>Boys basketball team
(9th grade)</p>
<p>Jewish girls soccer team
(11th grade)
Team won league championship</p>
<p>Dance—jazz, tap and ballet
(10th-12th grade)
Selected for a solo in final recital of 2005</p>
<p>Co-editor of school newspaper/magazine
(9th grade)</p>
<p>Student council
9th grade representative (9th grade)
Co-secretary (10th grade)
11th and 12th grade representative (11th grade)</p>
<p>Volunteered to baby-sit for needy family with four children
(10th-12th grade)</p>
<p>Volunteered to visit an elderly/sick single/couple once a week
(end of 10th-12th grade)</p>
<p>Volunteered to tutor a disadvantaged 3rd grader who reads behind grade level
(9th grade)</p>
<p>Member of NCSY, a Jewish youth group
(10th-11th grades)</p>
<p>Participating member of an Orthodox Jewish synagogue</p>
<p>Attended an hour-long class on the laws of the Jewish Sabbath once a week
(10th-12th grade)</p>
<p>Attended an hour and a half long class on Jewish philosophy
(middle of 11th grade-12th grade)</p>
<p>Attended a Jewish camp that focused on community service
(summer after 9th grade)</p>
<p>Attended a Jewish camp for girls which focused on intense Jewish/Torah learning
(summers after 10th-11th grades)
Participated in a special program which included extra learning on a higher level than the rest of the camp</p>
<p>All-girls choir
(summers after 10th-11th grades)
Chosen to record a CD</p>
<p>thanks a lot. No hours listed? Is that common?</p>
I don't know, but most colleges only ask for activity and grade of participation. My pleasure.</p>
<p>Most applications that I've seen are simple: You just fill them in where space is given for such activities</p>
<p>Why make your own format when you can just fill in the app?</p>
<p>It's just that I see everyone listing the 1000+ hours that they have contributed to each of their volunteer projects</p>
<p>Yeah, that's because the applications have a space where it tells you to list the hours/ week and weeks/ year</p>
<p>does that include school clubs?</p>
<p>Yeah, just take a look at the common app</p>
<p>But what if I didnt record what I've done for clubs for the last 2 years and the activities are irregular. And I'm only a junior so where could I look at an app?</p>
<p>you can make a estimation. or you can leave it blank and explain why you can't fill it in. a sample is at app.commonapp.org</p>