applied for PhD but having second thoughts

<p>just as the title says, i am having second thoughts about doing PhD. how easy is it to switch to masters? if i decide to switch, would i need to do it before or after i get there? if i decide to give PhD a try for a year and then end up hating it, do they really frown on dropping to masters?</p>

<p>I think that everyone can relate. Sometimes situations don’t warrant years of suffering. If it doesn’t work out, that’s too bad but you won’t be marked for life and black balled from academia if you should want to go back to being a tech or something. If you are having doubts now, maybe you should think about this decision a little more carefully.</p>

<p>I’d keep in mind that, while it is perfectly fine to have second thoughts and decide to drop back to a Master’s, perhaps this is just a normal reaction to you finally taking a huge step towards a momentous undertaking. You’ve actually applied now, so it may just be more “real” and be causing you to have second thoughts, even if a PhD is what you really want to do.</p>


<p>It’s scary. I remember feeling “omg, what have I done??? CAN I DO THIS?” Then I realized that I hadn’t EVEN heard back yet and it would be better for me to wait and see what the programs say. If you get offers, then great. If not, you can scramble and see if you can find any masters program with late deadline (although you may be able to call the departments back and ask for reconsideration for the masters after getting rejected for PhD).</p>

<p>The question is this, are you ready for grad school or not? If you know you are ready to go to grad school this fall, then take advantage of the funding and try it out. The worst that can happen is that you don’t want to do your dissertation and you can just walk away with a consolation masters after you finish your comps. If you don’t feel ready for grad school AT ALL, then turn down all the offers.</p>