Applied Math VS stats? CS and Engineering?

I’m in my first year of undergrad and plan on being in school for the next 4-6 years to get my my masters, and I’m currently thinking about my future.

1.What is a better graduate degree for becoming a data scientist, quant, or actuary? Applied Math or Statistics?

  1. I'm also thinking about switching to engineering, and I still like computers. Is a mechanical, mechatronics, or mechanical engineering route better?

Whats the best way to go about having the option to do all of them? (I’m not worried about my gpa dropping)

CompSci+Math/CompSCi+MechE/Mechatronics+Math/ etc…


Regarding data scientist, we’ve done lots of research for my daughter and many of the jobs ask for a masters degree in a quantitative field with a preference on statistics. My daughter is going down the path on double majoring in business data analytics and math (with a statistics concentration) and then get her masters in statistics. Look at some of qualifications in some jobs you might want and you’ll see what they are asking for. Focus on companies and/or industries that might interest you.

Good luck!