Applied SCEA 2015; not yet contacted by interviewer?

Does this mean anything? Or could my interview simply happen late…?

You should be fine. Sometimes it takes them a long time to process.

Those who have been contacted by the interviers, did you initiate the interview yourself?

No. I think you only have to initiate the interview yourself if you’re an international in a country without any/a lot of alumni interviewers. If you live in the US, they will do their best to contact you for an interview… but if they’re unable to find someone to interview you it will not hurt your application! Good luck!

Interviews are scheduled until December, and even if there is no Harvard Club nears you, not having an interview will never negatively hurt your chances (unlike, say, MIT if you said no).

I turned my app in the 23rd, and was contacted for an interview last Monday (9th) and had my interview Friday (13th). So I waited about 2 weeks.