Applied SCEA. Can I still send an application update?

<p>I applied SCEA and just learned today I was selected for the U.S. Senate Youth Program. Is it too late to send an application update? Thanks!</p>

<p>It doesn’t hurt to try right? ;)</p>

<p>It’s a little late, but if you send it overnight/premium shipping it might get there on time! Good luck! =)</p>

<p>You can fax the update to Admissions @ 617-495-8821. Be sure to include your name, high school and DOB.</p>

<p>Should I email an update to the fileroom as well? Or instead of fax? Or have my guidance counselor call? Thanks for all the help!</p>

<p>As it’s late in the SCEA process, I would fax the update. Faxes tend to get first priority, as papers spitting out of a fax machine build-up pretty quickly unless sorted and filed. An email could just sit there for several days before someone gets around to opening it. </p>

<p>Although your guidance counselor could call with an update, there needs to be a hard-copy note that goes into your file to document the update.</p>

<p>Okay. That makes sense. Thanks for the help, gibby!</p>