Applied to UCF as a transfer still havent heard

<p>Hey guys, I applied to UCF about late August (around the 26th) but the application wasnt processed till the 14th of september (paid by check). Its october 16 and i still have yet to hear from them and i would like to so i can get my paper work done. i have called and emailed them and ive been told that ill "notified of their admission decision within two to four weeks after receipt of all requested supporting documentation (i.e. transcripts, test scores, updated information, etc.) However, the time it takes to reach a decision can vary, depending on the individual's records."</p>

<p>i know it can vary, but this is taking forever. especially since i have heard many times transfers who apply, will hear back very soon at 2 weeks tops. i know my gpa is qualified for UCF and im finishing up my last 10 credits at a community college.</p>

<p>so what else can i do? call and hopefully ill get someone who will get onto my application?</p>

<p>unfortunately the admissions at UCF are not that lenient and won’t just tell you a decision because you need to know sooner. last year Mayday applied in august, had all her stuff in by late august, and then found out she was deferred then rejected in march i think it was. not trying to scare you but just saying that they honestly do not care when you find out.</p>

<p>all right thanks for the input</p>