Applying as a transfer to UIC at Yonsei Univ?

Hi everyone! I’m currently a freshman at UC Irvine (I applied as an international student but I’m a permanent resident now) but I wanna transfer to Underwood International College at Yonsei University during Spring 2018 (I ll be a sophomore by then). I m a double major in Art and Films & Media. I’ve studied in the US since junior year in highschool.

  • I took SAT and TOEFL during 2015 and 2016 and they are going to expire soon. But the scores were average so I’m not planning to submit either. I heard that I can submit it as a supplementary (since I m an international student who has finished pre-uni 12-year system). Is it gonna be okay if I don t submit it at all? ( or HOW is it gonna affect my application (if I submit/don t submit the scores?)
  • I m not joining any club at UCI at the moment. Do Korean schools care about extra curriculum? (Like for American uni app I had to make a very long resume of what clubs I joined in high school).
  • My GPA was 2.8 last fall semester and I hope I can get at least 3.1 this winter semester so the cumulative GPA would be equal or above 3.0. Is bad or not so bad or just not bad not good either?
  • Should I submit the state’s representative s letter congratulating me getting honors during my senior year at high school (Jan 2016) along with another art recommendation letter and another professor s recommendation letter?
  • Should I submit the certificates I got during high school too?
    Thank you so much in advance, whoever s going to help me!

I’ve also applied for Korea exchange program at UCI and waiting to be approved (the school I’m going to exchange to is fortunately Yonsei!)
If I get to go exchange will it be a benefit?
And I’ve taken 2 APs courses during my senior year, I’m gonna take ~7 upper division courses next quarter and during the exchange (if I go). I’ll have around >= 60 credits after my freshman year.
Is it beneficial too?