Applying as a Transfer?

<p>Hello, I am currently attending college at a 4-year university, and will be a junior after this year. My experience here has been dismal and I’ve started to loathe each day here. It’s time for a change, and I would really love to attend the University of Alabama. I’ve visited friends down there several times and I feel it is the place for me.</p>

<p>Caveat: My GPA at the end of this semester will only be a 2.70, and I’m really worried that is going to cripple my chances of being accepted.</p>

<p>I had a 4.00 unweighted GPA in high school and a 34 ACT, but none of that even matters now as I’m applying as transfer student with 24+ hours.</p>

<p>Is my GPA simply just too low, do I stand a chance? Although it’s not required, should I go ahead and send in my dated high school transcript and ACT, would it even matter? I’ve known that I have wanted to transfer since last year, and that’s why I’ve taken steps to improve my GPA - my GPA for the Spring 2014 semester is going to be 3.80. I’m just really worried that I am going to be stuck here, dreading it.</p>

<p>What is the deadline to apply for a transfer? If it’s not too late, you can apply. You could send your high school info if you want.</p>

<p>what is your major?</p>

<p>Have your parents said that they will pay all the costs? are you instate or OOS?</p>

<p>Hi, thank you for the reply! I’ve already applied and paid the $40 app fee. At this point I’m just waiting for this semester to be over in the first week of May so I can send the transcript.</p>

<p>I changed majors while attending my current university, applied mathematics to economics. However, I have applied to UA with the intent of majoring in Finance.</p>

<p>I am OOS, but the costs are covered, pending acceptance.</p>

<p>As long as costs are covered you should be fine. Contact the transfer rep to help move your acceptance along. Start finding your housing as well…will you be living with your friends in an apt?</p>

<p>See if you can be accepted prior to the end of this semester.</p>

<p>Thank you for the help. I will email Nichole about expediting the process. I plan on just finding an apartment that allows for roommate matching somewhere in the vicinity. I have been considering Riverfront Village if you know about that.</p>

<p>Yes, I know about that complex. It is near the river. will you be bringing a car? </p>

<p>there are closer complexes.</p>

<p>Yes, I will definitely be bringing a car! I also considered East Edge, but the no pets allowed just doesn’t work for me.</p>

<p>Also try The Retreat…it does allow animals…I think The Bluff does too.</p>