Applying as undecided vs. having a major on transfer application

<p>I am trying to transfer to a liberal arts college from a large public university entering as a sophomore.
My current major is music history but I realize that majoring music history is no longer my interest.
However, I still want to continue pursue music as my minor.
This being said, I am not sure what to major in. (Not music since I have no intention to become neither musicologist nor performer). I know that my major eventually will either be humanities or social science.
My main reasons for wanting to transfer are
To minor in music (my current school only offers either music major or music history major or minor with the latter case not having a heavy focus on performance which I want)
To have smaller classes that facilitate discussion and close relationship with faculty because I think I learn best when I am actively participating in class
To have residential learning environment throughout my entire college career rather than first two years.
Course I have taken in college so far are writing class, introductory sociology, poetry seminar, and symphonic band.
In the upcoming term, I intend to take linguistic anthropology, either genetic engineering and its effect on society, or comparative literature (writing intensive), history of Classical music, and chamber music.
With this in mind do you think I would be fine applying as undecided rather than putting a major down?</p>