Applying for a second major at Purdue

My daughter is working on her Purdue application. She is applying to the School of Health and Human Sciences. She wants to study sports nutrition and fitness which she lists as her first major. She could also apply to general nutritional science or dietetics as a second choice since her goal is to get a masters in nutrition. The application only lets her choose a school for her second choice major(which is HHS like the first choice). It doesn’t let her specify a major within that school as a second choice. We were thinking of emailing an admission counselor about this but thought we’d check there first. Is this because it is the same school? Does she even need to apply for a second major in this case? (I know it’s optional). Thanks in advance for advice.

Paging @momofboiler1 who may be able to opine.

My Purdue experience is with the college of engineering so I honestly don’t know. I think having your daughter email admissions to clarify is a good idea.

That said, my D left the second major blank because if she wasn’t accepted to engineering, she would have gone elsewhere.

Odd. what does her application show?

I see no Sports Nutrition and Fitness first major, but this layout doesn’t change regardless of what I select.

Did she select the Campus for the second choice?