Applying for both honors housing and RLC

<p>First post of a long time reader. Thank you blueiguana, ChrisTKD, chuy, and HokieFreshman for all your effort.</p>

<p>DS has enrolled in ED for Fall 2013 in engineering. He has been preparing to apply for honors along with honors housing. After reading some of the CC threads, he is also interested in two of the Living-learning communities (LLC): RLC and Galileo. His order of preference now is 1. RLC (PY), 2. East AJ, 3. Galileo, if given all choices. </p>

<p>Can he apply to both honors housing as well as the 2 LLCs? Or is one not expected to do so? I saw a note about restriction to 2 LLC choices. Reading all the FAQs, it appears that the housing option of the honors application is independent of the housing application for the LLCs, and none of them are binding.</p>

<p>Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard, you can apply to more than one. The applications are standalone, so it isn’t like they are going to notify Honors that he applied to RLC too. In all honesty, it is in his best interest to apply to an LLC in addition to Honors. Honors has a pretty high rejection rate, so he always has RLC to fall back on if Honors doesn’t work out… Plus PY is a phenomenal building. I know people with no interest in RLC that do RLC just for the amazing housing. </p>

<p>I’m fairly certain that the LLCs are not binding. I applied to The WELL as a freshman and was accepted. I found out about 2 days after acceptance into The WELL that I was originally placed in suite-style housing. The WELL was (maybe still is) located in West AJ at the time, and I preferred suite-style over traditional housing. I decided to back out of The WELL and just let them know that I was turning down the offer. As long as he doesn’t accept their offer if accepted into the LLC, it should be non-binding. You may want to e-mail them before taking my word on it though.</p>

<p>sspa10, congratulations to your son on his acceptance! If he goes to HokieSpa and logs in, he will find a button for “New Student Information”. From there he can go to “Apply for Housing and Dining Contracts”. At the bottom is an Email link directly to housing where he can contact them with your questions. You read right about being able to apply to first and second choices for themed housing. For the RLC at PY, he will fill out his application and will need to complete 4 short essay (250 words or less) questions. Best of luck to you both!</p>

<p>Does anyone know when LLC application decisions are made? DD has sent in an application for both Hypatia and RLC and hopes to hear back soon. Does anyone suggest going ahead and submitting housing contract while waiting for LLC responses?</p>

<p>yellowcar, my daughter emailed housing this week to ask about submitting her housing contract. She was unsure whether she should submit it now or wait until she heard more about her application to the RLC communities. The email said to go ahead and submit the contract regardless of knowing the status of receiving a decision about a Living Learning Community spot. They said it can take until mid May to hear back about that. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>KandKsmom & james2014 – thank you for your timely response. Based on the info, my son has decided to focus on the honors application with housing this week; he will research and apply for his LLC choices in February. It’s good to know that there are so many housing choices available in Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>where can you find the honors application form?</p>