Applying for BSN program

I live in California, my cumulative GPA including my prerequisites is at a 3.4 I also have no experience with volunteering at hospitals. This Fall, I am planning on applying to BSN programs in California but have heard it is very competitive and I truly think I won’t make it in. Can I get some advice about OOS BSN programs that are not that competitive to get into? I am willing to go to near by states such as Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona for school. I’m kinda new to this, so any tips or advice about getting into nursing school would be greatly appreciated

I’d still apply to in-state publics, but also apply to out of states. One issue is affordability. Check to see if any states have reciprocity agreeents with california. That allows students from one state to receive reduced tuition at public colleges in a nearby state.

Some states have affordable out of state tuition, while other states have very expensive oos tuition at some or all of their colleges.

Run the net price calculator for each college that you might consider. That will help to narrow down your choices to what is in your price range. Some college emphasize need based aid, and others emphasize merit aid. Merit aid is usually available to out of state students. Need based aid is usually not available to out of state students at most public colleges. Many private colleges offer aid that reduces their price to be within the ballpark of public colleges for many students.

I’d also check out the community college option. I don’t know Calif., but in some states, some community college nursing programs have transfer agreements to allow you to get a BSN at a public college after you finish your community college degree. Be sure to check for a nursing matriculation agreement - because the standard matriculation often does not cover BSN transfers.

If you expect to be eligible for a college grant from your state, it may also affect decisions. Some states do not allow their grants to be used at oos colleges. If you are eligible for a large state grant to a college within California, it might make a private college in Calif. more reasonably priced than some out of state colleges without a grant from your state.

Other people have mentioned Utah’s public universities as an affordable alternative.

You also should check out air fare costs, particularly over Thankgiving and Christmas. Air Fare greatly varies among different cities. If the university is along an Amtrak line, it provides an affordable alternative, as long as you book at least one month in advance.

I applied to ASU nursing with a cummulative GPA 3.7 UW and 30 ACT. Did not get into the nursing school but pre-req(Community Health BS).
So… yeah.
Very competitive atmosphere.

I work in a NICU in Utah. We have definitely seen an increase in the number of out of state students. A co-worker recently did her BSN through Roseman university. I was final term preceptor for both her and her classmate, who came from the Seattle area just for the program. The WA girl returned to her home state right after graduation. Both just passed the NCLEX. The program seems easy to get into, but it is expensive. The local publics also have great, more affordable options, but ask questions. Some have long waiting lists and are extremely competitive. I already had a BS from the UofU in a different field when I decided to get my nursing degree. I chose Weber State because I was able to bypass the waiting list because of my existing degree (they grant admittance based on a point system). I LOVED my Weber State experience. My cohort felt very prepared to pass boards and start careers. Good luck in your research. Many are finding Utah to be an affordable option. P.s. I originally decided to be a nurse because it seemed like a practical career. I was early 30’s when I started. I soon discovered that I LOVE nursing and should have done it all along. There are so many opportunities for career growth and development. Good luck! I was also preceptor for a California girl who came to Utah for nursing. She got a job in Iowa right after graduating so she will be near her hubby who is starting med school there.