<p>As I near the end of my junior year at UCI, I realized I have to start thinking about grad school... but i really have no idea about their average GPAs and such so let's say...</p>
<p>2.9 w/ average GRE and no research. <-- this is where i'm at, minus the GRE</p>
<p>3.0 w/ average GRE and no research.</p>
<p>3.2 w/ average GRE and no research.</p>
<p>If i were to apply for Computer Engineering / EECS / EE for grad school in California, where should I try for in each of the respective cases? </p>
<p>I'm thinking all I can do at the moment is Cal State... but if I were able to raise my GPA to that magical 3.0 mark or even to that even more magical 3.2 mark, what other opportunities could it open?</p>