Applying for housing question..?

<p>Ok so I applied for housing at Madison. I also got accepted to other several colleges though.. one of them is Marquette. I want to go to Madison. It is my first choice. However my dad really wants me to go to Marquette. He is telling me to apply for housing there also. You can't do that.. correct? I already applied for housing at Madison so that's confirmed. I don't think you can apply for housing at more than one college right? Besides, I don't think it is right for my father to decide what college I get to go to. This is my choice, not his. I worked for this and I wanted this. He is also telling me to fill out scholarships for Marquette.. I already got a $40,000 scholarship which is great, yet in the end it doesn't matter. I'm not going there.. My mom thinks I should go to Marquette too but she agreed to let me stay in Madison if I keep my grades up.</p>

<p>I don’t think anything prevents you from applying for housing at several places. Usually if you do not attend there is no problem and you even can get a refund on the deposit. But if you go you have a contract for housing at THAT school and have to take it or pay.</p>

<p>Generally, no rule against putting in housing apps at multiple schools, and then notifying all but the one you are attending that you are withdrawing app. At least at the big public schools, you get most of your deposit back (say $100 out of $150 deposit). </p>

<p>UW (where my son is a freshman) gives you a substantial refund of your deposit if you enroll elsewhere. However, as barrons noted, if you do enroll at UW, you are locked into university housing (not private dorms) – which is a great option, there is something for everyone in UW dorms. You probably want to check out Marquette’s housing rules as well. </p>

<p>At UW, your specific housing preferences and rankings are not due until somewhere around May 1 – when you will know if you are going to UW or Marquette. </p>

<p>For what it is worth (and you didn’t ask), as a parent, I worried a lot about my freshman at a huge (party) school, and the idea of a smaller (Catholic, if he would have tolerated it) school would have been appealing. You might think about what it is you want at UW and what it is your parents want at Marquette. Can you show how you will address their concerns at UW? We parents want to let you go, but it takes a while for us to get there (especially me, as my son likes to remind me).</p>

<p>Congrats, and enjoy this semester and your last spring home as a high school student with family!</p>

<p>Why do your parents want you to attend Marquette?</p>

<p>UW-Madison has a Catholic student group (Badger Catholic) that is quite active.</p>

<p>[Badger</a> Catholic - About Us](<a href=“]Badger”>- Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN))</p>

<p>Two of my kid’s friends went to Marquette for freshman year and are now happy sophomore transfers at UW-Madison.</p>

<p>UW-Madison has a student population with better stats than Marquette plus offers a LOT more academically. It is easy to “keep the faith” if you choose to as well. Madison is a much nicer college town- Marquette’s location is near some iffy areas. Hopefully you will get to go to the better school academically- UW.</p>