<p>If you will be a high school junior in the Fall of 2008, You can apply to the Summer Leaders Seminar online between mid-December 2008 and 1 April 2009.</p>
<p>The timeframe seems a little vague. I thought they get all their applications in like a week? Does this mean they accept applications all the way from Dec. 15th to April 1st? </p>
<p>And I'm assuming that if so, it would be best for me to apply Dec. 15th, right?</p>
<p>from my personal experience, i didnt get in simply because i waited to long and the spots were already filled. if you have decent PSAT’s, then my by all means, TURN IT IN ASAP. i even met some people that turned their app in the first couple of days and they were accepted within a week!</p>
<p>USMA wants to recruit highly qualified kids and give them a chance to see USMA, which will, hopefully, increase their likelihood of applying to the academy, and USMA wants to give kids who are pretty sure that they want the academy a chance to experience the academy. It’s a great program: some kids do it and decide that the academy is absolutely for them and some do it and decide that the academy is absolutely not for them. Both results are OK, as it save time, taxpayers’ money and another kid will get the opportunity to attend.</p>
<p>These summer programs are recruiting tools used by the academies to increase the pool of qualified candidates. If you live in an area of the county which is extremely competitive and sends many kids to a particular academy, you will have a hard time getting into the summer program as the academy really does not need to recruit from this area. Do not be discouraged. My son did not get into one of these programs, for the above reasons, but just recently received his “Congratulation!” letter. </p>
<p>Apply. Put your best foot forward. Also, geography can work to your advantage. The day before one of these summer sessions begins, some kid will break his leg, some kid will miss his plane, some kid will change his mind, etc., and that space will open up. If you have applied, stayed in polite contact with the admissions office to let them know that you are available and very much interested, you might get that spot. For the truly committed, standing outside the gate with bags packed and the necessary paperwork completed might also work. (there are 300 odd spots which are supposed to be filled with 300 odd kids–someone will not make it). Good luck.</p>
<p>alright thanks a lot. I live in LA which isn’t good for WP recruiting-wise, so that should help me. I’ll definitely follow all the advice given and will apply early…thanks gys.</p>
<p>There are 800 slots (400 per sessions). In general, they do fill up early. It is always best to apply as early as you can. </p>
<p>“Don’t worry about. I submitted my application three days before the deadline and still got an invitation”
Yes, this is possible too - but only if you have outstanding credentials or are part of a group that USMA is targeting and is not fully represented at SLS.</p>
<p>The sooner, the better. My cadet was certainly qualified for an SLS slot, but the slots were filled by the time his application was received in early March two years ago. He had issues with the online application and filled it in numerous times, only for it to be kicked back with all empty fields because it wanted a numerical ranking for class rank and our high school would not give our son an answer on that… Hopefully all those kinks have now been worked out of the online application and you will be able to get it submitted quickly and easily.</p>
<p>Just a side note for any who may receive an SLS rejection letter: Just because you may not be selected for SLS does not necessarily mean you will not receive an appointment to West Point. There are many more slots available for cadets than slots for SLS. If you are not selected for SLS during the summer before your Sr. year, <em>DO NOT</em> give up on your dreams of attending West Point!</p>
<p>Why does West Point hold the SLS in the second or third week of June. I now have no chance of going to it because my school has finals both of those weeks.</p>
<p>You need to check with your school and see if those can be taken early; many times that is the case. The cadet candidates report the end of June (last year, June 30). The upperclassmen who run “beast” need to be there a few days early. It takes many, many people to run R day effectively. There is no way you guys can be at SLS while this is going on…(and it lasts approximately 6 weeks), so SLS has to be prior to R day. There is just no other time to have SLS. Students from schools that are not out yet typically take finals early or after returning. Because SLS is a huge honor, many schools are willing to work with you on this…why not check and see if yours will accommodate your needs?</p>
<p>Dont fret. Our son was in the same boat last year when he applied for and was accepted to attend Summer Leaders Seminar 2008.</p>
<p>Hes currently a senior attending an inner-city high school. He made an appointment to meet with his guidance counselor upon receiving the SLS acceptance letter last winter from West Point. His guidance counselor was a French national and somewhat new at the job. Our son explained to his counselor that hed been selected to attend SLS at West Point. The counselor looked perplexed and asked what West Point was. It went downhill from there. She sternly told him that if he attended SLS it would be considered an unexcused absence, and would affect his grades accordingly.</p>
<p>Our son politely thanked his counselor for her time and marched up to the Principals office. He met with the Vice Principal and explained his situation. After hearing about the guidance counselors response the Vice Principal nearly laid an egg. Suffice it to say, the matter was resolved immediately and our son was able to attend SLS with an excused absence. His teachers were all very accommodating regarding homework assignments and final exams. </p>
<p>Being selected to attend SLS is an honor for you and your school. Your school officials will make it work if you desire to attend. However, if you have any difficulties whatsoever I recommend you contact your local West Point Field Force representative or your West Point Directorate of Admissions Regional Commander. They will gladly explain the significance of SLS to your school officials. But I suspect that wont be necessary. </p>
<p>In summary, SLS provides a superb opportunity to get an action-packed glance at West Point. If youre considering applying to West Point I most strongly encourage you to attend. As Ive previously mentioned on this forum, SLS was the clincher for our son whos counting the days until he reports for R-Day 2009!</p>