Applying for Spring Semester

<p>Hey guys! I applied as a transfer for Fall 2012, but unfortunately I got denied. Though I still want to give it another shot because I absolutely want to go to VT at some point! I love it there! I was wondering if any of you recommend applying for Spring 2013? I heard it was more difficult to get in because of the limited slots... I'm thinking about emailing someone from admissions for advice.</p>

<p>My major is Communications, I'm currently a second year student at NVCC, and I'm taking summer courses at the moment.</p>

<p>Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!</p>

<p>Evidentially VT will not be accepting transfer applications for Spring 13 due to space limitations. Your next opportunity will be to apply for Fall 13.</p>

<p>[Dates</a> and Deadlines | Applying as a Transfer Student](<a href=“]Dates”></p>

<p>I am in the same boat as you are! I am a biology major (sophomore) at a VCCS, and I haven’t applied yet but am planning to apply for the the Fall of 2013.</p>

<p>I have also made a thread about my experience as a transfer:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also, I expect to have my GPA around a 3.4 by next summer, so I’m hoping that will prove to be competitive enough :)</p>

<p>Hokiebound - But doesn’t VT admissions look at your current GPA at the time you apply for Fall 2013? So say, I applied around January, then wouldn’t they look at what my GPA is after this upcoming Fall 2012 semester weighs in?</p>

<p>This is probably my biggest concern, since I know my GPA could exceed to at least a 3.3 or 3.4 by the end of the my Spring 2013 semester at NVCC. I calculated my GPA would be around a 3.1 or 3.2 by the end of Fall 2012… I wish I knew if I had a good shot at getting in the Communications program, though I’m pretty much clueless and deliberating whether or not I should put down the other major I was planning on doing as well.</p>

<p>Wish I could find stats for this. haha.</p>

<p>Yes- on your application for Fall of '13, they will provide a space for you to put down what classes you are enrolled in this fall semester and what classes you are enrolled in for the spring semester. At the end of this fall semester, you will send in your transcripts to tech and they will evaluate them. if they like what they see, they will accept you (obviously) but be careful, because if they aren’t too satisfied with your fall grades, they will ask for your spring midterm grades- so you really have to try to maintain a 4.0 GPA for the next two semesters haha.</p>

<p>Also, GPA wise, i am in a similar situation to yours. I currently have a 3.1 (Im a biology major) and this semester i am enrolled in:</p>

<p>Pre Calculus </p>

<p>Chemistry 112</p>

<p>English 112</p>

<p>And if I maintain all A’s this semester ( which I plan to) I will come out with a 3.3 GPA.</p>

<p>I have called the office of undergraduate admissions numerous times, and from what I’ve learned I can tell you that being offered admission isn’t COMPLETELY based upon your GPA; If someone has 30 credits and has a 4.0 GPA, and another applicant has 48 credits and a 3.4 GPA, they will take the latter over the former. </p>

<p>(a student with more credits and a lower GPA has more of a chance than that of a student with less credits and a higher GPA.) This also of course depends on what program you are applying for.</p>

VT usually doesn’t let many transfers that only have one year of college experience into the school. I would just attend NOVA for another year and apply for Fall 2013. I was a student at NOVA and I believe there’s a special program where only NVCC students can apply early, it’s like equivalent to early action. Just be on the look out for it, they might send a mass email about it in December or so. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me! Hope to see you in 2013, future Hokie!</p>

<p>EDIT: I read your post up there. Just apply as any major you want (I suggest a major Tech isn’t know for such as Math). You can change it once you get accepted if you email them (<a href=“”></a>).</p>

<p>the biggest thing is taking the recommended classes by VT so you can move closer towards your graduation. Make sure you’re looking at the equivalency database and taking the classes for Communications majors and if you have a decent GPA you should be fine.</p>