<p>To start off, I have my mind set on applying to Stanford since 9th grade. I have visited the campus 3 times since then and i'm in 11th grade now. I'm applying from out of state (NY), as a minority (African American) and a legacy (My mother went as a first gen college student). My GPA in 9th and 10th grade at a decent college prep school were 4.0 both years taking mostly honors classes. This year I went from my decent college prep school, to an elite ranked college prep school known as Choate Rosemary Hall. My GPA went from a 4.0 to a 2.3 my first term, a 2.8 my second term and it looks to be headed towards a 3.3 this term. The workload was a complete shock to me (From 1-2 hours a night to 4+ hours) and really hurt my GPA. I've taken 6 courses with Football in the fall, weight training in both winter and spring (To prepare for football). I wrote an amazing college essay that both my college counselor and my parents are really impressed with. My mother, whom is a dean for an ivy league med school, told me that with the passion I show for Football and Biology I could still have a chance to get into Stanford if I can pull it together this last term and senior year. I plan to take a post grad year at Phillips Andover to improve my overall GPA as well. My PSAT scores were 99th percentile in all categories, and my SATs were ~2300 and ACTs in the 32-34 range. With the advantage of having a legacy, being a minority, having a killer essay, high test scores, and having shown a passion in both biology and football, would I have a chance to get in? </p>
<p>Next year I'm taking 2 AP biology related courses in Microbiology and Advanced topics, as well as AP Environmental. I am taking AP Calculus AB, but non-AP english and history. My passion really is in the sciences and I hope Stanford will understand. My post-grad year will most likely be all APs.</p>
<p>EDIT: I've also done volunteer work at Columbia University's medical centre, and have been in Africlub (Club about current Africa effents) and Unisef for Africa.</p>
<p>School Type: Elite College Prep
Ethnicity: African American
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: > $1,000,000 (Multi-Million)</p>
<p>Bump. I’m also planning to be a science major (Biology/Bio-Medical Engineer).</p>
<p>Wow, your parents make millions? Just out of curiousity, what do your parents do?</p>
<p>I second BeingandTime’s question.</p>
<p>you can always donate them a library cuz cals colleges are low in funding and it would extremely help your chances
but other than that if they see that your course load was extremely hard they would take that into consideration however the lower trend in GPA can hurt while the legacy and URM really boost your chances good luck i say its a mid reach for you</p>
<p>Are you being recruited for football?
If not, your chances are low - check out the other thread, by the guy with a 2400 and C’s and D’s on his transcript. His EC’s are much better than yours (unless you’re recruited) and still many doubt his chances…</p>
<p>I third BeingAndTime’s question…</p>
<p>The majority of us want to know the answer to BeingAndTime’s question</p>
<p>It is a reach for you. even though your scores are awesome, there are a lot of people with those same scores who want to go to stanford who have perfect grades.</p>
<p>then again ivy league schools or equivalents are unpredictable. i would not get your hopes up. stanford only takes the cream of the crop.</p>
<p>chance me back
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1133349-northwestern-university-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1133349-northwestern-university-chances.html</a></p>
<p>Stanford likes URMs. This is good for you. It will help in addition to the fact that you are legacy. I am a Cali kid and I know how the admissions for in-states are. Out of state is big for stanford because they want to be a national university so they are admitting less CA kids. This is good for you. Apply EA. I really think you have a good shot. Get your guidance counselor to write about the tough transition to Choate. I have a few friends who went there. One is at Cornell. Back to the topic, I wish you good luck. I really think you have a shot. It always helps to donate a few mill</p>
<p>1] Everyone thinks they have killer essays. Don’t become personally attached and dependent on your essay, because there’s going to be thousands of kids out there who are better writers with better stories.</p>
<p>2] The sudden drop in GPA is a reason to worry. However, your overall GPA still isn’t too bad. You have good test scores to balance out that a bit.</p>
<p>3] Welcome to Stanford University! Legacy URM status, can’t beat that.</p>
<p>seriously, what do your parents do? if your mom is a med school dean… but wow.</p>
<p>If his mom is a med school dean, I can definitely see them making that much money.</p>
<p>Uh, I’m not really sure how it works, but all the current deans of Ivy League medical schools are men. Maybe there are sub-deans or something. Whatever.</p>