Applying for the spring semester

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I will be applying to UW-Madison for the spring semester. I had applied for the fall but I was an idiot and didn't realize that I did not send the fee-waiver form, therefore my application was denied due to missing material before even taking a look at it. I even went to their office and talked with them but they said that if I really want to go here then I will just need to apply for the spring semester.</p>

<p>Now I'm really worried whether I will get admitted for the spring. I have a 3.90 GPA and 31 ACT with good essays, plenty of volunteering, extracurricular activities, and a good letter of rec. 740 SAT Subject Math II</p>

<p>Let me know how you guys feel about my chances. It is kind of a sad feeling while everyone is talking about where they will be going to college and me not even being admitted all because of my carelessness.</p>

<p>Also let me know what I should be doing during the fall semester. I want to be doing something educational.</p>

<p>Likely to get in. </p>

<p>As for what you should be doing over your break, I would suggest at least having a job. And for doing something educational, there are plenty of MOOC’s online that you could use. They do not provide any sort of official credit, but it will be good for staying sharp.</p>

<p>I use open course work from mit—</p>