applying rd.. maybe ed?

<p>i was born in Greenwich, england, too late to get citizenship tho</p>

<p>half korean</p>

<p>i have 2280 sAT
730 Cr
750 math
800 writing</p>

<p>SAT II's</p>

<p>math I-690 (obvious retake)

<p>3.3-3.4 GPA (school is extremely competetive tho, class avg. SAT a few yrs back was 1460)</p>

waiting on english and french</p>

<p>Good EC's,</p>

<p>2X Prep State placer in varsity Wrestling
3rd conference
Most Improved Award</p>

<p>presidential Gold Award comm. service (250+ hrs)</p>

<p>Also, my main hook..
Last summer, my name got on Research paper submitted to Clinical Cancer Therapy journal
This summer, working on nanotechnology project at Rice University, hoping to get a recommendation from Professor, who is like nobel laureate material..</p>

<p>entering siemens-westinghouse sci. competition</p>

<p>how do u think i look, should i apply ed?</p>

<p>I doubt that you'll get accepted ED. When I applied to Williams I worked shoulder to shoulder with the crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and his minister of industry on femtotechnology. While working on the project, I discovered the origin of the universe and won the Noble Peace prize twice...</p>

<p>I was wait listed.</p>

<p>dag... what was i thinking</p>

<p>haha, good one.
u certainly seem to have a great chance.
hey, we're kinda alike. i'm full korean and got 2280 on SAT also.</p>

<p>heheh i am a korean too. Williams only have one essay (woo hoo!) makes application really easy, but remember that as an international student, you have to sell'em something other than number. Emphasize your strong personal characteristic. Your application as a whole should have a distinctive voice. Good luck!</p>