<p>Hi everyone! :)</p>
<p>I'm a prospective Berkeley student, currently in the middle of completing my application.</p>
<p>And the thing is - I'm pretty unsure of whether I want to go to Haas or major in Economics. For the most part, I think I'll be indicating my major as Econ - but all I wanted to know was am I COMPLETELY killing my chances of ever being in Haas by doing that? Or is it possible to still change once I get admitted? </p>
<p>Choosing a particular major doesn't really affect admissions chances by much, does it?</p>
<p>Thanks so much in advance! :)</p>
<p>Freshman or transfer?</p>
<p>If you are applying as a freshman, you cannot apply directly to business. Additionally, for all majors in the College of Letters and Science (including economics), you will be considered in one big pool and will be admitted as undeclared if admitted. As an undeclared student, you will declare major later, usually in the second year (both business and economics require applying to declare since they cannot take all who want to declare them, but many other majors do not have any criteria other than completing the prerequisites and not being on academic probation).</p>
<p>What does matter in terms of admissions selectivity is if you are considering majors in different divisions (e.g. EECS in the College of Engineering versus CS in the College of Letters and Science) or different majors in the College of Engineering (e.g. EECS versus mechanical engineering).</p>
<p>Oh okay, thank you so much ucbalumnus! (Oh, and I’m a freshman applicant) That definitely helps to clear things up
So basically if I’m considering being undeclared pre-business in Letters and Sciences or an Economics major, it doesn’t really affect my chances for admission either way - so I could really go ahead and choose either one without it really mattering which one it is?</p>
<p>Also, I wanted to ask about scholarships… There’s a section where you can apply for scholarships in the application to Berkeley, so would it reduce my chances of getting in by indicating my interest in a scholarship? I don’t really need one, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference, so should I just apply for one anyway? Basically I don’t really want it to affect my chances of admission, so if it will, then I won’t apply for a scholarship.</p>
<p>Thanks again! :)</p>
<p>As far as I know, indicating your interest in a scholarship will have no effect on your application. Honestly though, I checked off quite a few last year and didn’t get anything (neither did any of my friends) - not even an e-mail or something haha, so don’t expect too much.</p>
<p>You can mark any L&S major or undeclared for Berkeley and it should theoretically be treated the same for freshman admissions – but try to avoid marking a major that is inconsistent with the rest of your application so that a reviewer scoring your application won’t have questions about it.</p>