applying to college of engineering

<p>I'm a freshman at madison becoming a sophomore next semester. How difficult is it to get into college of engineering? My first year grades are pretty bad but I think they barely surpass the cut line of 2.5 gpa. Do you automatically get in if you meet the requirements?
What happens if you don't get in ? I'm thinking of chemical engineering.</p>

My high school specs are far better than Madison average freshmen. I don't think high school ones count do they?</p>

<p>I am in the exact same situation. I wasn’t able to find anything helpful online…
I hope someone can answer this question</p>

<p>Some eng majors are not limited by GPA and some are. It can vary year to year bt demand. Bio-Eng and Chem E are pretty tough.</p>

<p>You better think about your grades and why they are so “bad”. You need a strong math-science background for any engineering. Doing well in a class makes it easier to build on that strong foundation, likewise doing poorly means you are already behind for the following class. If nonscience-math classes dragged down your gpa consider how well you handled the work load. All engineering fields require work. A reality check- can you handle the workload of an engineering major?</p>

<p>High school is ancient history now that you have college experience. It doesn’t matter at all how you did back in childhood. You had a fresh start in college- that’s what counts. Meeting the minimim gpa doesn’t mean you will be successful. Analyze how you have your gpa (we don’t need to know here on CC) and figure out if engineering is right for you. It may be that you will excel once you are doing course work you enjoy, you may have figured out how to study better and use your free time better. It may be that you have trouble mastering the concepts needed (complete mastery gets you A’s). Be prepared with plan B.</p>

<p>We are pretty much decided on the fact that we want to be engineers, that is not what this post is about. We want statistics, facts or anything that can be helpful.</p>

<p>If you are going to post a rant like “wis75”, then don’t even bother.</p>

<p>It doesn’t matter how badly you want something, if you can’t do the work you won’t make it. Fact- not everyone who is interested in a field can be successful in it. Reality check needed. Do not listen only when the message is the one you want to hear. No "rant’- just honest soul searching advice before you get too far.</p>