Applying to different colleges

Ehh… not really. I mean if you get straight 800’s across the board yeah but I’m not sure which colleges really care anymore. Many colleges like the UC’s are completely ignoring the SAT as well.

Ohh… I mailed some colleges and they said test scores are not required but if “you can, you’re encouraged to”… so I thought maybe that might help a little​:sweat_smile::zipper_mouth_face:

Do you mean the SAT’s or the SAT subject tests? I don’t think they are still a thing.

Yeah, colleges won’t hold it against you if you don’t have a SAT subject test, nor will it help you all that much.

Yeah they are being cancelled completely. But a date is still available, June 5 , last date for sat subject Tests, which is when I’m giving the physics and maths 2 subject test. As my high school did not conduct and neither educate us about AP classes, that my only way to show some grasp in these subjects.

I didn’t read all the responses - but yes you can apply to more than 20…because schools like Indiana, Arizona, Alabama, UAH etc. are easy to apply directly on their website. There are many more schools like this. They don’t require recommendations and in many cases essays. Some schools - such as Colorado School of Mines and Minnesota also have their own apps - and if you get on their email lists, they’ll send you free access.

I’m a huge fan of more applications. However, in your case as an international, there are many schools you will not be eligible for aid. Why not simply go through your lists - or find the schools that are better for international. I’m sure within 20 schools, you can find your best chances.

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The UC’s aren’t in contention here with this OP. The point is moot.

The UC’s are California public schools which are funded by the State of California’s taxpayers-so no funding is available. These students are full pay, at $65K per year, regardless of being low income status.

No full rides to anyone inclusive of internationals students and OOS.


Yeah agreed. I looked them up… And none are compatible with my needs.

Yeah, I was just giving them as an example.

Guys if you can comment on this thread as well, it would be very helpful. Thanks.

If you need a full ride, #1 you have to first see do you have demonstrated need that would qualify for that because the schools you list - or most of them - meet need.

The 2nd thing is tho - not just do they meet need but do they do so for international students.

I would not apply anywhere ED - if you need a full ride, that’s a no no - because if they accept you and tell you it’s $10K or $30K or $80K - you are screwed. ED is a marketing tool for them…for their advantage. If you can’t afford full pay, do not do it…period, end of story. Some will say look at the NPC but there’s many a kid whose offer did not match.

The big thing is - you are international.

Here’s who meets full need -

[Here’s Every College That Offers 100% Financial Aid (]( of Maid)

So take off CMU, Whitman, etc.
Depauw - does not need full need, etc.

I didn’t look at all your schools - you can - but U of Miami is need aware (meaning if you need too much they can turn you down but they will try to meet the full need of intl students.). Again, very few get full-ride…you need to have a 36 ACT, 4.0 and apply to a school like Alabama - and even that’s not a full ride…but close. For example, UAH (Alabama Huntsville) with a 4.0 and 36 ACT is free tuition and one year housing…

Good luck

Well actually, Whitman does provide need based aid to international students. And as for Depauw, I’m applying RD because they give a lot of merit based scholarship. So if I don’t get enough, I will simply decline. The colleges that I’m applying ED to meet 100 % of demonstrated need… Which means if I get accepted, it’ll mean free ride for me.

As for U of Alabama, I considered it but it’s not LGBTQ+ friendly… That will be a huge problem for me.

Thanks for telling about CMU though!! One less college to worry about​:sweat_smile::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

These websites might be helpful. Be careful of the difference between free tuition and free ride, the former doesn’t cover room & board and other expenses such as travel, books, health insurance etc….but the latter will.

Also you seem very certain schools will open up their wallets and give you money. 100% Demonstrated need is what the college determines your need is not what you think you think your need is. Also remember a free ride is a school deciding to give you the equivalent of roughly $300,000 for your education. That’s a quite a sum.

Good luck with your applications!

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As I mentioned earlier, I’m aware how less my chances are of getting accepted. As for the demonstrated need, I really didn’t want to share my financial facts… But since everyone is talking about that –
Our annual household income of both parents is less than 15k dollars
Assets barely worth 20-25k dollars
Also, we have house loan and some other loans of about 70-80k dollars (all in US)

So I’m kinda pretty sure my demonstrated need will be 100%.

Thanks for the site!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The site that you provided— Even though the information about scholarships is helpful, but almost all the schools mentioned there have a pretty weak CS program. So most of them are not for me…

Beggars can’t be choosers . . .


I would not take both ACT and SAT, just pick one.

Also, even if you get a ‘full ride’ can your family afford the travel to and from the US every year? Mandatory health insurance? Other incidentals?

Besides your own country are you applying to any EU or UK colleges?

First off, if this is the case, you’d better make sure your parents are happy to pay over $2000 US dollars for app fees if you indeed apply to 20+ colleges. Your family sounds like they cannot afford to spend that kind of money on what is mostly likely going to result in disappointment. But secondly, there are VERY few US colleges that meet full FA for foreign students. So if you need a LOT of money in order to attend, your list is very short. Yes, other colleges might give some aid. Will $4000 a year from ASU, for example, make a difference? Sounds like it won’t.

You’ve signed up for subject tests, but honestly, I think that was a waste of money. They are all being discontinued. Please think twice before deciding to throw more money on probable wasted applications.

In your shoes, I’d apply ED to Skidmore. It’s the easiest of those in the US News list to get into. They seem to be super generous with FA. Your grades are now problematic. It’s a small LAC, and they might be more sympathetic to your dip in grades.

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This list is the better one to start with. The other was more merit aid.

First off - you can apply to one school - and one school only ED. You can apply EA but not ED.

Secondly, again, you have no idea what your demonstrated need is because every school sees it differently. If you need a full ride, you do not - period, end of story - apply ED.

Thirdly, you’re actually incorrect on Bama…as crazy as it seems.

You really need to do your homework.

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