Hey, I’m a rising senior and I’ve always wanted to go into film but I’ve never taken any action, which leaves me with completely nothing to put into my film portfolio. I figured I’d scrap something together this summer and hope for the best (I’m a strong writer so that should help if I plan to write a screenplay or something of the like). I know that I won’t get into any big name film schools like USC, UCLA, NYU, or Chapman, but would I potentially be able to get accepted into lesser-known but still respectable film schools like Emerson (my #1 choice), BU, Ithaca, LMU, etc.? How often do they accept applicants with absolutely no experience? How good does my portfolio have to be?
High School:
31 ACT - 35 English, 33 Reading, 28 Science, 27 Math (getting my June score back tomorrow, hoping I did better)
3.63 GPA (I’m not sure what it is weighted, but by the end of senior year I’ll have taken 10 AP classes)
Decent EC’s (three years working in theater, vice president in two clubs, two years of Model UN, NHS, lots of volunteering, stuff like that)
Great hook and hopefully strong letters of recommendation
My transcript isn’t stellar but it’s decent enough to get into the aforementioned schools–all I’m worried about is the portfolio.
How selective is, say, Emerson when it comes to film majors? I can’t find anything online saying the acceptance rate for incoming film production majors, only that it’s highly selective. I’m visiting the school in a week so that’s definitely something I’ll ask.
Any tips? Any other schools I should consider? Are there any reputable film schools that don’t require a portfolio (that’d be a huge help)? Sorry for all the questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I’m not familiar with the exact requirements of each school. I know that for LMU-SFT for production applicants and screenwriting majors, for instance, portfolio is optional. Whether having a portfolio increases your chances, I don’t know. But your stats are very good for LMU. No reason, I’d guess, if you were a decent writer, you wouldn’t have a good shot at getting admitted.
Syracuse, Ithaca, BU are all good. Ultimately, NY or LA adjacet are ideal. If you want some strong safeties, look for schools where you don’t have to apply to the department/major. I’m not up-to-date on the best choices for this, but a little time on-line will let you know. Check the websites and the average stats for various schools on the on-line lists and you’ll get a good sense.
Emerson, USC, etc are competitive, but these schools also know every 17 year old has not been able to make their Eraser Head yet…
@CaliDad2020 Thank you! I wasn’t planning on applying to LMU because I’m not religious and I’m definitely more liberal than most of the students at the school, but hey I might as well apply because the film program seems great and no portfolio is required. I’ll see what happens!
Do you, by any chance, know the approximate admission % for the Syracuse, Ithaca, and BU film schools? I just got my June ACT back (a 34) so I’m hoping if I can get in I can get a decent scholarship since my grades are way above average.
@mailmanliam I’m going to see a friend of my kid who goes to LMU over the weekend. They are not Catholic so I’ll ask if the religious make-up affects their school experience at all.
The only really detailed story I know about LMU production UG is from a friend who attended many years ago. They were at USC but were frustrated by the structure of the production courses (too hard to get to do “top” roles like directing) so they transfered to LMU at the advice of a USC prof because LMU was more equal in the way opportunity for production roles were assigned. That was a lot of years ago though (and the LMU grad has had a great Hollywood TV production career fwiw) so I don’t know if the same still applies.
I do not know the admissions breakdown for many specific film schools, except what is reported for USC-CA and Tish, which is always absurdly low.
I also know a couple of Emerson grads and they really enjoyed it - and one mentioned there is a big Emerson presence in LA/Hollywood now - like a campus or something and it seems they have a strong alumni network, but I don’t know anything more about it.
I would think your scores would line up up for something interesting. I would even give USC a shot if you were inclined (and could afford - it’s crazy-expensive). Why not?
It also depends on what program you want to apply to. Schools like USC have you apply to a specific program, so since you’re a strong writer, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to apply to their screenwriting program, especially since the supplemental application is mostly made up of writing prompts.
I have a friend who also wants to apply to film school without having taken action before, and they are afraid to apply to the big name schools because they don’t think they’ll get in, but I think you should give it a shot!
Good luck with your applications,
@collegebound478 Thank you, and good luck to your friend as well! We’re in the same boat.
I’m looking more into film production rather than screenwriting, but I’ve looked at some of the supplements required by big name schools - USC, UCLA, and NYU, to be more specific - and I’ve found that most of the prompts are writing based, with USC being the only school that requires a video (I’ve heard that you drastically lower your odds of being admitted if you opt for the photo option instead of a video). If I find a way to convey my passion effectively (which may be hard given that I have no experience), I may have a fighting chance.
My D is in a similar situation, or as you say, in the same boat. From what I’ve read about film school stats, you have nothing to feel hesitant about! Good luck and don’t slow down!
“Hey, I’m a rising senior and I’ve always wanted to go into film but I’ve never taken any action, which leaves me with completely nothing to put into my film portfolio”.
As a parent of kids who want to go into the entertainment industry, I can tell you that it’s a lot of work always trying to find your next job and networking. If you have already wanted something and have not take action, then the entertainment industy might not be suited for your innate personality.
But to answer your question, most film production schools do not require a film submission. USC sca, nyu Tisch, and Chapman dodge were the only 3 that required a film submission back when my kiddos were applying. So that leaves a plethora of options.
Colleges that my kiddos applied to or looked into that did not require a film submission were:
Northwestern, LMU, BU, Syracuse
If it’s any encouragement, my DS got accepted to Syracuse film before he had ever made a film. He had crewed films for his HS friends who went on to nyu Tisch, but had never written and directed. Later he wrote and directed his 1st and only film. And he got accepted to BU film having only made his 1 film before.
FYI, LMU is jesuit but not super religious. DD Muslim friend enjoyed his undergrad at LMU.
And DD got accepted the Dodge film prod, but she had been making films since 5th grade. Made it to the interview level of USC sca film prod and then was ultimately rejected. 4% admssion rate.
Thanks @YoHoYoHo for he helpful info. I’d add University of Miami and Tulane as schools with film programs that don’t require a portfolio - but both are coordinate degrees (require dual major). Motion Pictures program at University of Miami is closer to a traditional film production program than Tulane (Digital Media Production).
The schools your kiddos applied to are the same schools my S19 is looking at, with BU and Syracuse near the top. May I ask what your son’s stats where for BU? Do film/tv students work on films in the first semester?
I’m curious. Which schools did you end up applying to? Any acceptances?
Haha thanks for wondering. I applied to USC, UCLA, NYU, Emerson, LMU, BU, Wesleyan and Ithaca (all for film).
Got accepted into Emerson with a $18,000/year scholarship and Ithaca with a $20,000/year scholarship, got deferred from LMU. Still waiting to hear back from the rest in March.
I wrote a screenplay for my Emerson supplement that might have been a bit subpar but I think it was ultimately my test grades that got me admitted, as I got deferred from LMU with the same screenplay. I most likely will be attending Emerson because of the merit aid and prestige of the program, and because quite honestly I don’t think I’ll get into any other program. We’ll see, I guess, but I’m more than satisfied with my acceptance to Emerson given that I had very little experience beforehand.
Congrats on your acceptances to Emerson and Ithaca! I know Emerson was your #1, so the money they’re giving you makes it even more exciting! Sounds like you’re set. I’m sure you’ll do well in Emerson’s excellent film program.
@romns116 Thank you, and good luck for whichever schools you’re applying to! 
Did you ever hear back from LMU? My friend recently heard back from them for film so I was wondering if you ever did.
@collegebound478 No, I haven’t. I heard that decisions will be coming out until April but Emerson and BU (which I got into this weekend) are higher up on my list than LMU anyway, essentially eliminating it from being my final college decision unless I were to get in and get a large scholarship.
@mailmanliam congratulations on getting into the BU film/tv program! According to other CC’ers, their grads do well in the film v industry. I’m sure you will do well!
@romns116 Thank you!! 
Update on my situation, for any of those who are curious:
Accepted- Emerson, BU, Wesleyan University, NYU, UCSB, Binghamton University, UCSB
Denied- USC, UCLA
Waitlisted- LMU
I guess fate just didn’t want me to end up in Cali… :)) Despite that though, I think I’ve fared pretty well haha. I just got my acceptance to the NYU Tisch Film and Television BFA today and got my acceptance to Wesleyan University a few days ago. I’m genuinely surprised at my acceptance to NYU–from what I’ve heard it’s near impossible to get in and it’s one of the best film schools in the country. Having had no prior film experience, I feel a little guilty for stealing a spot from people who are undoubtedly more talented than I am, but I was definitely overjoyed to see that “Congratulations!” written on my letter. The price is obviously a bit hefty, but given that I live in close proximity to NYC I may be able to make it a possibility. Let’s pray for that financial aid appeal.
But anyway, I guess my experience just goes to show that you can, without a doubt, get accepted into top tier film schools with no prior experience. Good luck to future film school applicants, you can do it! 
@mailmanliam Congratulations on all your acceptances :)!!! Is NYU you’re top choice? My friend also got into NYU and they’re still in shock, they can’t believe they got in, but like you said, I guess experience isn’t everything. Congrats again :)!!