Applying to Honors program as sophomore...

<p>Does anyone know much about the Honors program at VT? Do you know whether applying to the Honors program as a sophomore is harder or easier than applying as a freshmen?</p>

<p>Also, since the first year year is all introductory courses, do you think being in the Honors program will be extremely beneficial or vital? Since it's all introductory courses, I shouldn't have a problem getting into them. As for research opportunities, I think VT has such an abundant amount that not being in the Honors program should not hinder finding an opportunity - ultimately I will be applying but do you think applying as a freshmen is really necessary?</p>

<p>Well you can’t apply until second semester freshman year anyways if you weren’t accepted from the start, so there really wouldn’t be much difference. I think the level of competition is about the same, while getting in from before attending is even only a bit more challenging. I think it’s up to you as to which you’d prefer.</p>

<p>I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. Do you think applying as an entering freshman is harder or easier to get accepted than applying as an already enrolled student (2nd semester freshmen year, as you said). You say that the competition is relatively similar, if not harder to apply as an entering freshmen? I’m considering not applying now because I feel like, as a freshmen, I can’t really tap into & fully utilize all that the Honors program has to offer anyway.</p>

<p>If I’m not mistaken honors isn’t accepting applications anymore for entering freshmen…</p>

<p>At my school it is (deadline shortly (abruptly) coming up).</p>