Applying to Ivies Class of 2013

<p>@kali would you read our essays?</p>

<p>Mrluggs, even if you’ve only started thinking about what to write, you’re already ahead of a lot of people.</p>

<p>Sure, hellogoodbye, and anyone else that would like me to read their essay. Sorry if I’m not prompt with my response, though. I’m currently abroad this week, and wifi is spotty.</p>

<p>I don’t want to post my stats out there, not really into the whole chancing thing for it could take a whack at my self confidence, but do the Ivies consider the major you’re interested in as part of admissions? For example, if your stats aren’t excellent, only pretty good, and you want to major in a rare field, can that bolster your application?</p>

<p>im not sure that it will necessarily bolster your application. If you are applying for a rare field you might have a slightly easier chance of getting in as colleges do like to even out their majors somewhat (majors like biology or economics might be slightly more competitive) but i dont know how important that is on decisions</p>

<p>ladylikeliz, not really. These colleges know you’re interests are subject to change as you progress through your college career. So not too much weight is held to what you choose, but it’s still considered.</p>

<p>For students interested in some of the profiles of accepted students in previous years:</p>

<p>Class of 2014: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Class of 2015: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ve noticed that there seems to be a bit of worry about getting applications done in time for deadlines. Don’t worry, yall. Write a little each day and it will get done in due time.</p>

<p>Early Action/Decision anyone?</p>

<p>I’m applying EA to Harvard. Done with the app but just revising the essays and correcting errors. Should submit it soon!</p>

<p>same! stats? ^</p>

<p>4.3 w gpa (4.48 w max)
34 Superscore on ACT
ap scholar with distinction
national honor society</p>

<p>Hmm…I see. anyone ED for Columbia University? Gaaahhhh I love the school so much! Would be a dream if I got accepted!!!</p>

<p>Merrr. I decided to apply to ALL the Ivies! lol
graduated with c/o 2012
3.9 uw (went down T_T) 4.501 w
Taking ACT in Dec expect 33+ or mother will kill me
Taking three subject tests in Dec as well expect 700 at least on all
Rank is in top 10%, not sure of exact
Essays are done and satisfactory (constantly revising, however) commonapp essay written on books and how they’ve helped me weather poverty yay
ECs: simple volunteer work, few clubs, vp of one, one academic comp, teaching health to those enmeshed in poverty, peer tutoring (should get job soon)
five APs junior year, 3 5s; six APs senior year and I didn’t take any tests bc broke, lol
School is college prep, competitive, #2 in state, about eight Ivy acceptances over four peeps
Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Turned in my early app to Harvard yesterday! so anxious, good luck to all!</p>

<p>^Nice job! Good luck! <em>^▁^</em></p>

<p>thanks! im soooo nervous, i cant wait for dec 15th</p>

<p>You’re welcome! I hope you are accepted! :3</p>

<p>ahh me too! its been my dream school since the 6th grade lol. i have an interview this week too!</p>

<p>OMG Same here! And I hope your interview is exceptional. :3</p>

<p>I’ve narrowed my list down a while ago and now I’m only going to apply to Brown and Dartmouth. I’ve already visited Dartmouth and loved it so much that I applied ED. I had my interview yesterday. I hope I get accepted! :)</p>

<p>Great choices. I am sure you will be fine within ED since Dartmouth experienced a large decline this year. My DD also loved Dartmouth after visiting, but she applied RD as well as to Brown.</p>