applying to multiple summer programs


I want to apply to two summer programs, but they have conflicting dates, so if I get in one, I won’t be able to go to the other. Both have really low acceptance rates, so the chances of me getting in both is relatively low, and the chances of me not getting in either is pretty high, but if by some miracle I got accepted to both, would it be inadvisable to not go to one of them?
Both programs are linked to two colleges I want to go as well, so if I don’t go to the program after getting accepted, would that reflect poorly on my college application?


@6244225me …doing the same thing here. The way I see it, these programs are so competitive that getting into both is highly unlikely, but not impossible. Even if you do gain admission to both, if you inform the school you decide not to attend in a timely and considerate way they will not hold it against you.