Applying to private schools and just earned a terrible grade…

So I have had straight As my entire life (A-s, As, A+s). I have had one or two B+s thrown in there, but only as quarter grades, and my semester/final grades averaged this out into the A range each time.

However, I am now a junior applying to private school to repeat for many good reasons, and our 1st quarter just ended. My teacher confirmed I got a B in math. I take Differential Calculus as a junior, which is the very highest track. I have to submit my grades so far this year before the 2nd quarter ends, so a B is a B, there’s no 2nd quarter grade to balance it out for the semester.

I may also have a B+ in AP English Language!!! Although this could easily be an A-…I’ll find out later today.

Is this really bad??? For reference I’m applying to private day schools like Rye Country Day, Greenwich Academy, and Hackley. No boarding schools. Just these good, competitive day schools.

I don’t think the B will be the difference between a reject or an accept.