Applying to STEM Colleges [for engineering, MD resident, 4.00 GPA, post-calculus math and lots of music, but only foreign language level 2]

Hi, Im an East African American highschool junior. So I want to apply to good stem schools like Caltech, MIT, Stanford, Georgia Tech, CMU etc. Is this a good academic course load:

9th Grade:
Honors English 9
Honors Biology
Concert Band
AP US History
AP Computer Science Principles
Spanish 2
Honors Algebra 2

10th Grade:
Honors English 10
Honors PreCalculus
Calculus I (dual enrollment)
Calculus II (dual enrollment)
AP Computer Science A
AP Physics 1
Wind Symphony
Honors US Government

11th Grade:
AP Language & Composition
AP Physics C: Mechanics
Honors Programming 3
Multivariable Calculus (semester)
Differential Equations (semester)
Honors World History
Engineering Design
Wind Symphony

12th Grade:
Linear Algebra (semester)
Discrete Math (semester)
Complex Analysis (semester)
AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
AP Chemistry
Honors English 12
Wind Symphony
TA (Teacher Assistant) for Multivariable Calculus (semester)

Sure, looks like a solid course load. All or most A’s? Unweighted/weighted GPA? SAT/ACT score? ECs? Just listing classes might be a start, but isn’t really enough info to go on.

Do you have any schools in mind that have a higher acceptance rate than what you have listed here (all high reaches). What about budget? What can your family afford?

Im currently Junior and I had A’s in all of them so far.

My unweighted GPA is 4.00 and weighted is 4.75, all courses are weighted except Spanish 2, Volleyball, and Concert Band

It sounds like you will be a competitive applicant - that’s great!

Make sure your family can afford the schools you apply to, and make sure you have some solid safeties. Everyone needs them. As competitive as you are, the acceptance rates at the schools you’ve listed are so low that they will still be reaches for you (they’re reaches for everyone). Hopefully you also have some great ECs to round out your profile.

If you want suggestions for other schools to apply to, there are definitely people here who can help with that, if you give some more details about what you can afford and what you’re looking for.

Some colleges may prefer to see or require foreign language higher than level 2. For example, see Stanford: Academic Preparation : Stanford University

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Do you have suggestions?

Do I need to, I put most emphasis on my math and science.

I do not, but @AustenNut is usually super helpful with this sort of thing. But again, you need to give a sense of your financial situation (how much can your family afford to pay each year) as well as what you’re looking for - big school, small school urban, rural, etc.

Suggestions for other colleges would depend on your (parental) financial constraints, your state of residency, your intended or possible majors, and your other preferences.

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I want to do engineering and I have a stable financial situation, my dad is a doctor but my mom stays at home.

All the same, some colleges do want to see higher level foreign language and four years of social studies (which is a core course, best to have 4 years of all core areas, if possible). Can you add something senior year?

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Many people with stable financial situations can not reasonably afford to pay out $300,000 for college. When you say “stable,” do you mean that your parents have explicitly told you that they can afford, let’s say, $80,000/year for your college?

I dont have room in senior year, I have 3 years of history and 2 years of foreign language. But wouldnt my math courses that Im taking mean something?

Yeah I am pretty sure.

Sure, your math classes are great and show good rigor. Universities will likely look favorably on that, but some highly competitive schools may want to see 4 years in all core areas - and keep in mind that you will be competing against candidates that do have 4 years in all four areas. It’s possible you will have enough “other stuff” that you will still stand out, but it is a potential area of weakness for some schools.


Are they willing to pay $80k+ per year that some private colleges cost?

The good thing about engineering majors is that ABET accreditation sets a fairly high minimum standard, so you should have plenty of good choices. But it would help others help you if you gave more information, like state of residency and your other preferences (including particular kinds of engineering you are most likely to be interested in).

Oh I see, does my race also have impact?

By “pretty sure” do you mean you have had this conversation with your parents? If not, please do ASAP. Do not assume. Sometimes kids don’t have a full picture of their parents’ financial situation, even when the family seems very comfortable and well-off. If it turns out that they can afford any price, that’s fantastic. If not, better you find that out now.

For some schools, yes, being an underrepresented minority can help.