applying to uc berkeley- a level system

I'm an international student applying to UC Berkeley and UCLA and i was just wondering if any international students know how to fill out the UC application form. It's so complicated especially when you're following the British education system which has O and A Levels.
I do have school midterm and final grades but where do my O levels go.
I'd appreciate any help you guys can provide.</p>

<p>Also, i'm about to write my personal statement. Can i be creative with it, or is it very formal like the personal statement for england?</p>

<li><p>Try your best to fill them in. Search the forums for answers :D</p></li>
<li><p>If you have your final A level results, don’t bother submitting your school midterm. </p></li>
<li><p>Your O level results sent in as a supporting document should be photocopied and certified as a true copy from your JC. </p></li>
<li><p>Your personal statement? Please be creative, don’t adopt the dead GP-style academic writing you’ve probably been drilled with all these years.</p></li>