Applying to Virginia Tech, help please?

<p>Okay here is the deal. im a senior and about to apply.
3.8 GPA, good challenging courses over the years. I took all the math courses, count this year its 6. Took AP Calculus, AP environment, AP statistics.
SAT, 510 CR, 770 Math, 500 WRiting. and i went to kaplans so trying to get CR to 550, and writing 650.
My teachers and councellors are willing to write recommendations for me.
i played 2 years of football, 3 years of track and field. 3 clubs and also got metals for sports and club thing.
only problem is that i got into a fight with my friend in freshman year and got 3 days of In school suspension. and i got into another argument with friend sophmore year got 1 day ISS. After those im clean and well behaved.
willl those suspensions affect me a lot? i mean my counselor assured me that dont worry about it. Im still worried a lot.</p>

<p>If the counselor says it's okay, then it's okay.</p>

<p>The counselor is the one who would report this to the college. Obviously, the counselor is not going to comment on it. So relax.</p>

<p>but on the actual application, it says " have you ever been suspended due to disciplinary actions... please explain if yes".
what do i do? say yes or just say no? i dont think i should lie.</p>

<p>I would say don't lie. Be honest. I doubt they will hold that against you.</p>

<p>I dont think they mean in school suspension. I attend VT and I had a bunch of in school suspensions for stupid stuff and it wasn't reported to any of the colleges i applied too. I think by suspension they mean out of school</p>

<p>My mistake, I didn't catch the in school part. I don't think they count either.</p>

<p>but it only said " disciplinary actions" In school is still one right?
i dont know i guess i will just put it on it and be honest.
and then explain the situation and how i learned my lessons and try to behave afterward.
but another thing is i did it TWICE, like freshman and sophomore year, i mean it makes it look like im very violent and stuff, i was just immature and didn't handle things well. i dont want them to think about me as a bad person.
hopefully this small mistake wont hurt me so bad and like just cut my life in half man cause i really need to go to Tech and learn in college and be successful in life.</p>

<p>Your not going to be the only one out of 25,000 kids who got into a scuffle or two in high school.</p>

<p>yeah... its no biggie don't worry about stupid stuff like that. tech is numbers based they wont look into you as a person as much as other smaller colleges</p>