Applying when ineligible?

<p>I’m applying to all the UC’s, but I don’t meet the 3.00 GPA requirement. Will they even bother checking my essays/EC’s/test scores? Or are they just going to throw out my application instantly? </p>

<p>I know that UC’s DO accept below 3.00 GPA’s, but I don’t know if it’s because those people qualified by examination/exception. Besides my GPA, the rest of my application is strong, but I’m worried if applying will just be a waste of money.</p>

<p>And yes, I realize I can go to a CC for 2 years and transfer, but that would be my absolute last choice.</p>

<p>Why are you applying to all the UC's? That's like $540 dollars and your chances are almost non-existent to get into probably 7 or 8 of them. Apply to UCR/UCM/UCSC if you really want to go to a UC. You have a shot there but with a sub 3.00 GPA, even that might be kind of a reach.</p>

<p>Yes, I know that UCR accepts UC ineligible people since my friend got in there (then again, he had a lot of APs). I don't think Berkeley/LA/SD are even worth applying though.</p>

<p>There are 3 ways to qualify, here is the quote from an counselor who's been dealing with UCs:


There are three ways to meet minimum eligibility: Eligibility in the Statewide Context, which means you completed the a-g requirements, took the required standardized exams, and achieved a certain GPA (3.0 with 8 semesters max weighted); ELC, which means you are in the top 12.5% of your high school (UCs make a differentiation between the top 4% and the top 12.5%, but the distinction is a bit vague; feel free to chime in if you know what the differences are); or Eligibility by Examination Alone, which means you scored exceptionally well on the standardized tests despite your less than perfect school records (so if you didn't meet the Eligibility in the Statewide Context but did really well on the SAT/ACT and SAT Subject exams, you will still qualify to apply).


<p>This will depend on the Campus. UC Davis will review all applications we receive, even if the student is not eligible. The only way not to be admitted 100% is to not file an application. Sometimes your GPA is higher than you think because of the UC calculated GPA. Always best to send the application to us so we can process the application and make a decision.</p>

<p>And get your money :D</p>

<p>Do you know if you are eligible for the fee waiver? If so, you may apply to four UC campuses for free.</p>

<p>It seems like you would attend any UC that accepts you. Have you also looked at what programs are offered by each campus?</p>

<p>That said, I PMed you with my stats. :) Hopefully that may help a bit. I applied last year with a <3.00 GPA and got accepted by UCSC and UCR (the latter through appeal). I currently attend UCR.</p>