Applying with Embark

<p>So I was stupid and didn't use the Common App to apply to NYU. I already gave my counselor and teacher the NYU-version of their respective forms.</p>

<p>The problem with Embark is that is clearly limits my essay to 400-500 words, a limit not present on the Common App. The essay that I've edited to perfection is 791 words.</p>

<p>Is it too late to use the Common App even though my rec forms will not be the Common App version?</p>

<p>i have the EXACT same problem!!! I cannot possibly fit my essay into a 500 word limit space!! Mine is 800 words</p>

<p>your teachers can submit their letters online through the common app. you just have to invite them on the school forms section of the common app and if they accept they can upload all the forms to the internet.</p>

<p>My counselor/teacher forms have already been mailed.</p>

<p>Are you talking about the essay or the short answers?</p>

<p>If you’re talking about essay, you can save the file as a .doc and upload it onto Embark. Far as I know, no word limit using this method.</p>

<p>If you’re talking about the short answers, you can write the stuff you can’t fit in the space on a separate .doc, then upload it on page 7.</p>

<p>NYU Admissions, though, is pretty specific about what they want; they actively discourage students from sending employer recs, for instance. 791 is considerably over the word limit… they will still read it and it won’t count against you if it’s a good essay, but I remember USC saying that in their experience the best applicants were able to express themselves adequately within the word limit, and I don’t know if NYU takes that view as well.</p>

<p>Of course, don’t let my comments stop you, I haven’t the faintest idea what actually goes on inside the admissions office so my guess is as good as yours how much it affects your application. I reckon if it’s a good essay it won’t hurt your chances.</p>

my gpa was too low, my essay too long, and i sent two supplemental recs, one from an employer.
I got in.
I can’t really tell you what do do, exactly, but I really think they’re looking for people.</p>


<p>Well, USC doesn’t have such a strict word limit… My 791 words is reasonable with their 700 word limit.</p>

<p>The difference between the NYU application and the Common App, is that the NYU explicitly says to limit the essays to 400-500. The Common App doesn’t say that anywhere (it just says 250 words minimum). </p>

<p>Of course I realize that if NYU could, they would make it clear on the Common App that 500 words is the limit, but the fact remains that the Common App doesn’t have that restriction. So my dilemma is whether or not to just submit with the Common App so that I can feign ignorance, like I didn’t know about their 500 word limit. At least that way they can’t blame me for going over. :P</p>

I submitted the common app for just that reason, and I got in. So, as long as you use the common app, I doubt they fault you for it.</p>



<p>If anyone ever wants a “magic motto” to work their apps by, that’d be it.</p>



<p>Hee hee. I shouldn’t talk so much. I went over on both my USC and NYU essays… but hey - as long as it’s a good essay.</p>

<p>BTW I submitted my 564 word NYU essay through Embark. Saved it as a .doc and uploaded it. My essay comes in at exactly one page.</p>