applying without aslevel

<p>i would be applying to mcgill for fall semester 2012. i took my as-level exams in oct/nov 2011 session so would be receiving my grades in Jan 2012. I have filled out every section of the 'mcgill apply-online' form except the "education information section" since i dont have my ASlevel grades yet. i'm confused! Should i just fill out the courses i took and leave out the 'final grade' box' ?... should i email them about this situation? or should i just put in predicted grades ?</p>

<p>One more thing, there is no option of submitting O-level grades ??? </p>

<p>Please help me, the deadline is very near !</p>


<p>What year are you in? You should be applying with you A2 predictions not your AS.</p>

<p>yes i know that. its just that i haven’t got my AS grades yet, will receive them 1 week after the deadline. i just dont know what to write in my “education information section” of the application form which i have already mentioned above!</p>

<p><a href=“http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/eel3n.jpg[/url]”>http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/eel3n.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If this helps</p>

<p>well if you don’t have them and you need to apply before you will get them, I would either write “pending” or “pending, with X prediction”.</p>

<p>well apparently the “box” only has 4 letter capacity :?||| this application is a real pain …</p>

<p>In that case I would put in your predictions, don’t really see what else you can do</p>