ApplyTexas Topic A - Catholic Faith

<p>I'm sorry if this isn't the place for this or you heard this topic a hundred times but I need some advice. The essay topic was to describe a situation where you collaborated or interacted with people of different beliefs. What was your initial reaction and did you change?? I'm writing about how a cute, blonde girl I met during English III is trying to convert me to her protestant faith. She takes me to her church and I get confused about what the pastor teaches compared to my own faith. She also takes me to bible study where a big scene occurs because I prayed to saint during group prayer. I mention how I struggled to stand up for my faith and defend my beliefs. In my conclusion, I mention how I started to see how insignificant my example was in comparison to world wide terrorism and government problems and how it helped me learn how to accept others no matter what belief. Is this too risky?</p>

<p>I think the bigger risk is that it doesn’t reveal what is unique about you. If in the situation you acted typically (in other words some one in a similar position would behave in a similar way to how you behaved), then it doesn’t help the admissions people reading it much.</p>

<p>I think the topic is fine and it DOES reveal something unique about you. Being Catholic makes you who you are, I think it’s a great thing to discuss. A&M has a VERY strong catholic presence and that is one thing that is quite unique about A&M. I think you did NOT act typically, I think some people would not have been so open minded. I am not Catholic, but I have enormous respect for Saint Marys and the Catholic population at A&M.</p>

<p>I think talking about accepting everyone for who they are is a great way to go with the essay. You’ve only been taught one way by your parents and probably your friends. This was an experience where it showed you there’s different lines of thinking, which is what college is all about. A&M is an accepting place, and every student is an Aggie no matter what their beliefs are. You can show that you followed that core value by trying something new, listening and accepting what other people believed. </p>

<p>I would NOT mention cute, blonde girl. Makes it look like you have different motives. I might also try to get a better structure or flow, I thought you jumped around a lot in describing what you were writing about. Your essay could be amazing, I’m just going what I read here.</p>

<p>Best of luck mate! </p>