APs and Engineering

<p>Does anyone know if credit for AP Physics B fills the prereq for ENGR 142? I know B can’t count for 105/106, but I can’t seem to find anything saying specifically that it does or doesn’t count for 142. This is what the course catalog says:</p>

<p>ENGR 142. Accel. Eng. Concepts/Design. 1 sem. hr.</p>

<p>An accelerated course for students in all engineering disciplines that is open to students with minimum composite scores of 28 ACT or 1240 ACT and an AP Physics exam score of 3 or higher.</p>

<p>The AP Physics B does count for the pre requisite.
My son had credit for AP Physics B and took Eng 142 so you should be okay.</p>

<p>If I recall, you/student will need to bring AP scores to BamaBound and possibly show them to advisor, so they can override this. It will take 2 seconds, but better to be prepared.</p>

<p>NCUA95, the Physics requirement was waived last year as per this thread</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1346163-engr-142-other-bb-concerns.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1346163-engr-142-other-bb-concerns.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t see the need to bring AP scores. Scores are not typically out until around July 1. Most students will have already attended BB by then.</p>

<p>maybe someone should tell the Eng’g College to amend their website describing the Freshman Engineering Program: [Courses</a> - Freshman Engineering Program - The College of Engineering - UA](<a href=“Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama”>Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>I just looked at courses for Fall 2013, and there is no Engr 142 even listed. (Engr 111, 141, 151 and 161 are.) There is a new course called Engr 103, Engineering Foundations. (There are Honors sections of this class, too, but it is still called Engr 103.)</p>

<p>A debate is ensuing at our house over the use of Calc BC AP credits for an EE major. DD2’s HS teacher is strongly encouraging his students who do well on the AP test to skip Calc 1 and 2. My DH (an engineer) strongly believes that retaking these Calc 1 and 2 help build a strong GPA and that is more important. I am of the opinion that Calc 1 could be skipped without a problem, but am concerned about a freshman with no college experience jumping into what is a sophomore level class.</p>

<p>Does anyone have experience who could outline the pros and cons of skipping Calc 1 and 2? FWIW, DD2 is a very strong student who has always maintained an A average in all math classes and in her Calc BC class so far this year.</p>

<p>There are debates on CC here about the same subject! One resurfaced recently: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1343785-online-math-assessment-prior-bb.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1343785-online-math-assessment-prior-bb.html&lt;/a&gt;
There are others, some much older, talking about the pros and cons. As Class2012’s posts imply, you might want to discuss this with UA Eng’g advisors and staff to get their perspectives.</p>

<p>MereMom, my EE son and I chose your option. Here are some other threads where we’ve talked about this. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1343785-online-math-assessment-prior-bb.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1343785-online-math-assessment-prior-bb.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1456632-insider-info-using-ap-credits-bama.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1456632-insider-info-using-ap-credits-bama.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1338412-electrical-engineering-answers-re-course-selection-dr-haskew.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1338412-electrical-engineering-answers-re-course-selection-dr-haskew.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Meremom, we were faced with the same question. We did ask the engineering advisors at bama bound and were advised to take Calc I. My S got a 5 on the AP Calc exam. I think it will depend on the individual student and how strong in Math they are. We compromised. S registered for Calc II because he is a very very strong math student. Calc II was very easy for him and he made an A+ in the class. In hindsight, he should have skipped Calc II also. IF you are confident in your daughter’s math ability I would not hesitate to at least skip Calc I .</p>

<p>My kids skipped Cal I, but did take Cal II. however, be aware that Cal II doen’t not build upon Cal I. My kids had no problems with skipping and got As in the subsequent math classes. </p>

<p>If your kids are strong in math and had good AP Cal teachers, and they have the AP credits, it seems (to me) to let them skip Cal I (or maybe retake it in the summer at a CC). I probably wouldn’t have a student skip if he got a 3 on the AP exam. Even a 4 might be questionable, unless the 4 was in BC and the AB part was a 5. </p>

<p>Engineering sequence is VERY tight, so the beauty of using some AP credits is that the student can either take an occasional lighter load, or take some other classes just for interest.</p>

<p>Strong students who retake Cal I are often bored and ANNOYED at what will seem like busy-work homework…because they already know this stuff.</p>

<p>My son is a second year aerospace engineer student. He is very strong in math and took AP calc BC as a senior in high school. When he was in this situation his high school teacher suggested he bring in a copy of the syllabus for calc II ad calc III. He found them on the website. She took a look at it and knew that his class would not cover all the topics in calc II as in depth as UA would. So she suggested he start at calc II to make sure he didn’t miss anything. This teacher had a master’s degree in math so she had a strong background and I felt like she knew what she was talking about. Most of her students received 5’s on the AP exam consistenly.</p>

<p>So my son started at calc II. The class was fine but the teacher gave a lot of homework which was time intensive. It was regular calc II as honors is not usually offered in the fall. He transitioned into calc III fine but that proved to be more work than he thought. As mentioned above, calc I would have been way to boring. God luck.</p>

<p>Meremom: Good advice from the previous posters. </p>

<p>My D is a sophomore EE student at Bama. She had taken Calc AB and Calc BC and scored 5’s. She skipped Calc 1 and took Calc 2 at Bama during her first term.</p>

<p>Personally, we all discussed it and compromised on taking the Calc 2. My H wanted her to take Calc 1 as well.</p>

<p>Reasons were: she would be a freshman away from home, wanted a “lighter” load in that she probably knew at least half of the Calculus material or more, even with a syllabus to compare the UA class with her class you just never know. Plus, you are required as an EE to go to Calculus 3. After the Calc 2 class was completed, I asked my D if she could have skipped Calc 2. She said yes but she was glad she took the class anyway. Always helps to have a refresher and an A or A+.</p>

<p>Good luck to you and your S. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>My son hates repetitive math homework. He will have credit for Calc 1. Should he retake it just to get into the Honors track? Or does the Honors track have less homework?</p>

<p>Thank you all so much for sharing your students’ experience and hindsight. The combined wisdom on CC is always appreciated!</p>

<p>I think that I will pull the curriculum for Calc 2 and 3 and have DD take them to her HS teacher for his review. I will probably recommend that she take Calc 2 and Physics 1 her first semester. She is a VERY strong math student (from birth, practically!), so I think unless some evidence arises to the contrary, skipping Calc 1 will be a realistic compromise between the 2 camps in our discussion. </p>

<p>I looked at the curriculum flowchart for EE, and I think that using her AP credits in Psych, English, Spanish, US History and Chem will free up enough room in the critical path to allow for lighter loads the first 2 semesters, and will allow her the opportunity to minor in Math (optimization or classical). It sounds like others before her have followed a similar path.</p>

<p>Glad you found all the info helpful. I asked the same questions 2 years ago before BB. </p>

<p>CC and especially the UA board is a fantastic source of information. Sorry, I just reread your post and I saw you have a D not an S! Apologies!! </p>

<p>Good luck during registration.</p>

<p>MereMom, unless your D is planning to continue to take Spanish at UA, have her take the CLEP test instead of the AP. More credit that way.</p>

<p>My son took AP Cal AB as a HS junior (which is a year long class in our HS) and AP Cal BC as a senior (which is a one semester class Jan-June, but the AP exam is in early May) we were concerned he may not have learned all he needed to in BC to skip Cal 2 but after reading old CC threads we were also convinced Cal 2 was not to be repeated unless you are maybe Pre-med…my son is a Quantitative Finance/Econ double major which requires continuing on in math. </p>

<p>He took his AP credits for Cal 1 and 2 and moved on to Cal 3 and is glad he did so. He is currently in MATH 238 (Diff Eq) which has Cal 3 as a pre-req so if you have a strong math student (AP score of 4 or 5) I would say to take the credit and move on. Just my 2 cents worth…and if you are not taking any additional courses in the field then take credit for your 3 and don’t look back :)</p>

<p>My son hates repetitive math homework. He will have credit for Calc 1. Should he retake it just to get into the Honors track? Or does the Honors track have less homework?</p>

<p>You dont’ have to take honors Cal I to be in the Honors track. My kids both started with honors Cal II.</p>

<p>In their experience, honors homework was sometimes optional.</p>

<p>Mom2- my understanding is that honors calc 2 is only offered in spring so he would need to either take regular calc 2 (with probably lots of busy work homework) or not take a math in the fall. So did your kids take the fall off from math and had they gotten “rusty” by spring?</p>