APs for Next Year-Please Help

<p>My schedule next year is this:
AP Bio
AP Psych
AP Spanish
College English
On-level Calc
Organic/Bio Chem
(I can change my classes over the summer)</p>

<p>My questions:
Should I drop AP Spanish for AP Human Geo?
Should I drop on-level Calc and go for AP Stat?
and Why, please.</p>

<p>I'm debating between these classes because I understand and can get by speaking Spanish, but when it comes to writing, there is no hope(you have no idea how bad i am.) But I'm interested in AP Human Geo. so it spanish or human geo worth it???</p>

<p>And for math, I hate math. Period. But these are my only two choices. The easier the better. I just finished Trig this year.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Stats is definitely easier than calc, so if you are looking for easy math look no further.</p>

<p>Stats is really easy. It is more working word problems and explaining the results than real math. I’d recommend you take that instead of Calc, that’s what most people who want a math their last year take if they don’t want to take Calc.</p>

<p>Any suggestions between AP spanish and AP human Geo?</p>

<p>For Spanish, it really depends on how well you’ve been preparing for a certain amount of years since it’s hard to learn a new language from scratch in a year (or less).</p>

<p>I’d go with Human Geo. Doesn’t that AP have essay writing, and is it like other history AP’s where BSing facts is better than perfect English grammar and diction?</p>

<p>So which would be most benefical for Bio-med?</p>

<p>Statistics is not math, that might seem weird to state but i have averaged a solid A every year in math until stats where now i have a 70… Maybe its cause stats has no solid answer, but i would recommend stats it was fun</p>