<p>how far are you in the textbook?</p>
<p>Ch. 13, American Pageant, about 1830-1850, Jackson, Van Buren, Whigs, Tyler</p>
<p>Chapter 8....</p>
<p>My teacher is horrible; my class is having a test on chapters 6 and 7 tomorrow.
Im going to have to start self-studying. :(</p>
<p>Ch. 14 AmPag</p>
<p>Haha, I missed 3 days of school, and somehow we are on Chapter 18 now..</p>
<p>Chapter 11 here</p>
<p>We don’t use American Pageant, which everyone else seems to use, but we’re Civil War-ish… my APUSH class is a little weird and we sort of jump around, but only because I have the best teacher ever…seriously. He makes it really fun and apparently his class always has the highest scores. (APUSH is a requirement at my school).</p>