Apush dbq

<p>What's the highest score do you think I will receive on the DBQ if I answer it correctly without using any outside information?</p>

<p>5 this means u probably only reworded the documents to support ur argument</p>

<p>1 point max is what you deserve</p>

<p>I’m not saying I am going to do that, but I was just wondering if the DBQ happens to be on a subject I know nothing about will they still give me a certain number of points. The chances are slim, but still possible since my class didn’t get passed world war II.</p>

<p>^ Then the chances are definitely not slim.</p>

<p>Without any historical factual support, I’d guess a 1 or 2 possibly.</p>

<p>If you’re a good BSer then you should be able to pull it off imo. You might have to risk it and guess on some document inferences.</p>

<p>somebody asked the same question to my teacher. she said most likely a 3 or 4. maybe a 5 if ur good enough</p>

<p>Took APUSH last year and HATED the DBQ. Good luck though tomorrow guys/gals!</p>

<p>I felt really lucky last year with the APUSH free response section. The whole test actually didn’t seem too bad, because if you study for it then you end up knowing a lot more than you think you do.</p>

<p>The DBQ last year was really easy–it was on slavery lol. </p>

<p>@harvard, You should be able to at least pull off some common sense info even if you didn’t get to the subject yet. For example, I’m guessing this year’s DBQ will be after the civil war period–they might do the Vietnam War and I’m sure you know SOME background info on that.</p>

<p>There’s no way they’re doing Vietnam because that was 2 years ago. I know College Board likes to throw curveballs but that’s way too early.</p>

<p>You guys the chances on you not being able to pull in at least “loose connections” to the documents is very slim, I mean come on you took an entire class on AP US. Like if you were doing Progressive Era you could do Jane Addams (Settlement House), Muckrakers (Jacob Riis & Upton Sinclair). There are so many things you could do for the different time period, you are bound to know a few pieces of outside knowledge! </p>

<p>You will do great, don’t worry! Good luck all tomorrow (We won’t need it though)!!</p>

<p>How do you guys set up your thesis and your DBQ overall? I’ve heard a ton of different ways and am not sure which is the best way.</p>