Hey Guys, I’m going to be taking AP US History as a junior next year. I just wanted to know how hard the class is in terms of homework, things you have to do, the coursework, and the AP Exam. I’m aiming to get an A in the class and a 4 or 5 on the exam. </p>
Any replies are greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>APUSH was actually my favorite class last year but that was mostly because my teacher was the bomb. Now that I think about it we didn’t really get homework, but the nightly reading assignments were sooooooooooo long. Sometimes we would have a reading check (it was always the day I didn’t read grrrr). The tests aren’t bad if you read to learn the material and not for the sake of memorization. APUSH is considered one of the hardest AP courses at my school, but if you put in the work you will succeed. </p>
<p>The DBQ on the AP exam was love. It was about how foreign war policies changed from WWI-Korean War. Actually, that was my favorite AP exam out of all of the ones I took. I walked out of there knowing I got a 5. Just read the Princeton Review book about a week before the AP exam and you’ll be fine. </p>
<p>The teacher will make or break the class. The workload will also be dependent on the teacher. At my school it is a time consuming class with a lot of reading. If you put in the effort, you can succeed in the class and on the exam.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for the great reply! @tola2015 </p>
<p>Thanks for the help!
@skieurope </p>
<p>Despite the fact that I nearly read my entire textbook, I actually really enjoyed the class. There will be a lot of reading but if you can manage your time well, you will be fine. I remember I was busy 3-4 hours every school night for all of second semester with sports, but I still managed to find the time to study and do the work. I ended up with a 99 in class and 5 on the test. </p>
<p>I agree, the DBQ question was awesome! </p>
<p>Thanks for the help! Yeah, I play sports too so it’s good to know that I’ll be able to make them work if I just manage my time! @belizeme </p>
<p>APUSH was the first AP I ever took as a sophomore and it wasn’t so bad! There’s lots of reading and studying to do, but the assignments weren’t difficult at all. The AP exam is relatively easy too. The DBQ is the easiest part of it, in my opinion, because they give you documents and skimming through those reminded me of what I learned in class. You’ll do just fine, and doing sports at the same time is definitely managable. :)</p>