<p>I'm a self-studier with 228/268 pages of AMSCO read! I probably forgot the picky things from the beginning as well. How do you guys remember everything for the exams?</p>
<p>P.S. I plan on reading crash course on Thursday.</p>
<p>I'm a self-studier with 228/268 pages of AMSCO read! I probably forgot the picky things from the beginning as well. How do you guys remember everything for the exams?</p>
<p>P.S. I plan on reading crash course on Thursday.</p>
<p>I’m just gonna look at Crash Course and some practice materials, no time to read anything else</p>
<p>There’s over 600 pages of AMSCO, what are you talking about?</p>
<p>Ha, I’m up to the 1850s in AMSCO, just started last week. I plan on finishing reading it by Wednesday and then taking Thursday off to skim through it again, maybe highlighting or taking notes, and doing practice tests. Good luck!</p>
<p>I’m not done either…ugh.</p>
<p>oops, sorry. I meant i was on page 228/668 =P, i wish 268.
But who thinks they’re adequately prepared?
The test seems very specific!</p>
<p>Just get yourself familiar with Crash Course; AMSCO will be difficult to finish by Friday.</p>
<p>Me!!! But I’m almost finished (Yay!!) 4 more chapters to go. I’m gonna finish it up tomorrow. And I started to look at Crash Course. Good luck everyone! :)</p>
<p>lol, well then it’s time for you to start making some sacrifices. you probably can’t read and remember all that stuff.</p>
<p>i heard there are no questions from 1970 and beyond so don’t worry about that. Also, there are very few questions from before 1800.
people are speculating the DBQ will be on Theodore Roosevelt or Jackson, so know those.</p>
<p>Also be sure to know the New Deal, Cold and Vietnam wars. You don’t need to know the specifics of WWI or WWII, and you probably know them anyways from last year. Missouri Compromise, Civil War-- causes and effects.</p>
<p>Sorry, this message is all a jumble. be sure to do some practice tests. good luck!</p>
<p>This is incorrect. On practice tests I’ve seen questions from Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. On last year’s AP, I heard there were even questions from the 1990’s. And there ARE enough questions from 1800 that it makes it worth studying.</p>
<p>I just started reading AMSCO today, right now I’m on page 166. Um yeah…</p>
<p>I know its not the real one but we did a practice exam in class for our final exam so it was timed and graded like the real thing. I just studied crash course and my teacher told me that I at least got a 4. I had to do decently on my FRQ’s and DBQ’s to get a 5 (need 5’s on an FRQ and DBQ and a 6 on the other FRQ). Still though to do that well off a book that small is incredible. It helps you amazingly for the MC and the FRQ’s (unless they go back to how they used to write FRQ’s) and pretty well with the DBQ’s. And for those of you that say I did well because the book is based off the past exams and I probably took one of those exams, she used a practice exam that College Board offers for teachers and one of the DBQ’s and set of FRQ’s randomly picked online from the CB website (they have 2002-2008 essay prompts and docs. up).</p>
<p>page 202…
<p>I resolve to permanently attach myself to that book until Friday.</p>
<p>If that fails, I’ll skip to Crash Course :D</p>
<p>i have 2 chaps left. but i keep forgetting stuff that i just read…i think my brain is beginning to fry.</p>
<p>Virginiafan13 you’re my hero. Do you really think that a self-studier can get a 5 just quickly skimming AMSCO and memorizing Crash Course?</p>
<p>P.S. Good luck to all of you! Hopefully we all get 5s and can memorize this crap by Friday!</p>
<p>I’m not done with crash course or AMSCO and I have the calc exam on wednesday so that’ll disrupt everything.</p>
<p>Hey, I’ve barely started on AMSCO lol. Consider yourself lucky.
However, I’m almost done with Crash Course, and it is EXTREMELY helpful.<br>
For the exam, I plan on studying CC and a little bit of AMSCO.
I’ll use AMSCO for all of the big stuff like Jackson, FDR, Teddy, Hamilton’s Financial Plan, Civil War, Cold War, WWI, WWII, and anything else major.
Also, be sure to study the Indians! CC has stated that Native Americans appear on the exam as FRQ frequently. </p>
<p>All of the other material – muckrackers, yellow press, Roosevelt Corollary of Monroe Doctrine, etc – I’ll simply use Crash Course.</p>
<p>I also plan on making a study group or two with some friends. They help A LOT and are fun!</p>
<p>I wish all of you luck! The fact that all of you are searching for the best method of preparation shows your willingness to learn. I am positive that we will all walk away with 3s, 4s, and 5s!</p>
<p>Thanks coolpg, for everyone using Crash Course, what score do you think is possible if you just read that?</p>
<p>I am on Chapter 22 of Amsco… I think. I will try to read more of it today… :(</p>
<p>Okay, now I’ve managed to get through half of it. But I feel dumb for slacking through WWI - The Reagan era because that should be fresh in my memory, but I didn’t do much studyting for it for the class. Does anyone know how much material from the 2000s will be on the exam?</p>