<p>The second trimester started this past Monday, and I now have APUSH. My grade so far: 23%.</p>
<p>We had two nights to memorize 120 vocab words and make 2 sets of flashcards for a quiz on wednesday, 3 nights to read the first 120 pages of "the great crash of 1929", write an analysis essay on it (and take a pop quiz on Friday on it), 5 horrible lectures and 19 pages of notes so far, and a CH-1-3 test on Friday, which I received 4/83 on, because it was all short answer and I had no idea what anything was about, so I put "idk" down for all the questions but one.</p>
<p>What do you do when a class gets this heavy? Does APUSH stay this hard?</p>
<p>fortunately, my apush class was very reasonable and i still managed to do very well on it (got a 5 on the exam). i would talk to your teacher if it really is bothering you. maybe he/she can lighten the load or give you study strategies.</p>
<p>Wow. APUSH kind of ruined my life too (I got a 4 on the AP exam and HATED the teacher/subject) but not to the extent that it is ruining yours…</p>
<p>The only class that might’ve matched the work load you’re talking about was AP Biology for me = TONS of reading each night. Did you actually read the chapters/listen to the lectures? Because if you did I can’t imagine why you would have no idea whatsoever… Just neglect your other classes for a while since I’m assuming you’re doing well in those and make sure you do the reading… or maybe just listen REALLY carefully in class and stay awake, and then you might not have to do the reading.</p>
<p>For me, APUSH was basically no homework + bunch of tests… the only reason I got an A was b/c of grade inflation due to outlines of reading counting for like 50% of the grade… and then I still totally screwed it up sometimes b/c I would always forget to do the outlines/reading. APUSH tests for me always meant reading the chapters like mad (~80 pages) the night before a test = nearly no sleep = fall asleep in class = don’t learn anything from lecture = must read to learn information = VICIOUS CYCLE!!</p>
<p>The moral of the story is… organize your time wisely haha. We didn’t have any quizzes in the middle so I never divided my reading up. Please don’t learn from me. Just plow through it… I know APUSH is the most boring subject material ever, can’t be helped… Worst comes to worst, drop…</p>
<p>my apush teacher was blanking insane. Every three weeks, he gave us a 5+ page dbq (and most of them had 30+ documents, our doc lists would be lists of Doc A-Doc AR or something like that), and required citations from the book too, that would be due in 4 days, so inevitably I pulled 8 all nighters last year. In addition, we had tests that were 60mc and a 2 paragraph essay in 40 minutes. Then there was reading, which ate up all of my time, and there were goofy projects too. I probably spent atleast 20+ hr/wk alone for his class, but then again, he wrote me a ridiculous teacher rec. i also destroyed the exam. I knew every single MC answer, and the class (as in everyone enrolled in that class in 2008, probably 80) average was a 4.83.</p>
<p>Um, what? APUSH is pretty much cake class. It sucks at times but its mostly just easy. Most of the kids in my class don’t even read the book and they still have A’s</p>
<p>just a question, are DBQs supposed to be AP material or is it just more “prevalent” in AP classes and is actually applied throughout all history courses?</p>
<p>In my school, APUSH was the first AP class that most of the students take so the teachers would be hard on us and say “this is an AP class… what did you expect?!” and we would have no time to copy down the notes.</p>
<p>looks like if you stick with it youll do very well on the AP.</p>
<p>my schools AP hist is rumored to be very hard, nytimes even referred to it saying it was harder than most top colleges courses, but like…it really isnt. im concerned :(, its gotten a lot easier</p>
<p>Ohhh and to make everything worse, our teacher is super conservative and is telling us all these reasons why the liberals are trying to take over the world or turn everyone homosexual, so now we pretty much have to agree with all of his conservative views in order to pass the assignments.</p>
<p>My APUSH class is to read about 30 pages a night and to read 1-3 primary documents. We have 1 DBQ monthly.</p>
<p>The test is 80 multiple choice and 1 essay because it’s like the AP.
When there’s THAT much work, I get bogged down with the work and usully don’t do so well on the AP Exam. (I had that with AP EURO) ekk</p>
<p>Sucks, and sounds like a hard class. But unless everyone else in the class has a 23%, it’s doable and you just have to try harder. I agree with the people who suggested seeing the teacher for help.</p>