Arch Program at PSU

<p>Who is in the 5-year Architecture program at University Park? How do you like it? Please give me any information you can offer about classes and such. Thanks!</p>

<p>My son is in the architecture program at Penn State. The program is great and very selective. The new building is beautiful which is important because you need to know this program is a lot of work and hours. Architecture students are always at studio all days, all hours.Projects never stop its just continuous. There are days my son may get an hour or so of sleep.You need to love it. Many students he started with did not continue and moved to different majors at Penn State. He loves it and loves Penn State but be prepared to work! Any questions just ask. Best of Luck</p>

<p>Arch students sleep in the computer lab in the new building when they try to pull an all-nighter working on their projects. When I walk in, it feels like home and I’m not in Arch.</p>


<p>Students are just finishing up final projects and exams and heading for home. You might get more responses after break.</p>