Arch studio test

Hi, I just received my studio test via email and its very confusing. Do I make my pieces on a separate pieces of paper and organize them into a ‘portfolio-like’ book or am I only allowed to draw or print, cut and paste on the paper/grid provided. In addition, for the self portrait question, if I was provided with a square paper divided into two vertical rectangle should I fit the photos in the rectangle or should I fit them in a 11’’ x 14’’ paper.

It says on the top that the square area on each sheet defines the field of operation! Basically, everything that you do is within the area provided :slight_smile: hope that helps!! Good luck, Just got mine a couple days ago !

The only restrictions are that you use the grids/boxes as two dimensional bases for your pieces, you print it 11x14, and you ship it in an envelope no bigger than 14x17x2. To answer your question, yes use the boxes provided.

I got a question- for the writing section do we handwrite our answers…?